Chapter 12 - Goodbye Mum. I love you.

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Alexs POV.

A few says had gone by now since we had the news about the crash and about Amys mother. She had become so. Depressed. She would go to school. She missed her lesson.Only came in for exams. We went to the hospital everyday.The doctor say that her mother was showing signs or recovery. We just couldn't keep our hopes up that her mother would survive when she came out of coma. I needed to do something to make her happy. So i decided to go to see her mum. Alone.Just talk to her. I decided to do it while Amy was her art exam this gave me 5hours. Plenty of time

I got the bus into to town and the hospital shuttle that took me there. I hated hospitals. No matter where i stood.What floor. What ward. I could smell my mums perfume. Walking around the horrid place i got in the lift and walked along to the ICU again. 

When i reached Carols room. I smiled she had been taken of the lung thingy that helped her breath. Though,i couldn't help bt think that they trying to find a quicker way.It was terrible to say. I pulled the chair closer to the bed. I sat down. I sat at least 5 minutes without moving and stared in to space. I then looked at her. She looked so peaceful yet so horrid at the same the time. I grabbed her hand. 

"Hi Carol. Its Alex. Amy's boyfriend. I just wanted to come see you myself before Amy. She doesn't know am here. So lets keep this between me and you" I gulped and gripped her hand tighter. "You one hell of a daughter you know that? She is normally so strong. So bubbly. So stubborn. She misses you so much. I hate seeing her depressed like she is. She wont go to school. She wont let me in. I need you to wake up. For Amy.To tell her you love her. To tell her your going to be ok" My eyes started to go blurry. I blinked so i didn't cry. Why was i crying? "Please Mrs Dickson.You need to wake up now. Its been a week nearly and your showing good progress. Just sho-" I was cut off by a slight squeeze on my hand. I looked up at her and her eyes fluttered.

I pulled my phone and rang Amy. I needed to tell her that her mum waking up. Was she still in her exam though? I rang twice before she answered. She answered. Has it really been 5 hours.

"Amy, Where are you?" I shrieked fast.

"Im on my way to the hospital" She muttered. She didn't sound happy. Oh no. She knows am here.

"Good because your mum is waking up" I said with hope in voice. There was a long pause before she answered

"What..... Are you having a laugh with me." She sounded angry.

"NO! Why would i lie?" I snapped 

"Ok! Am nearly here" She said softly. She hung up. I hated snapping at her but she didn't believe me she thought i was lying and i could never to that to her not to someone i love especially about her mother who a few days ago was on deaths door.I kept hold of her Mums hand until she came. The door swung open. I saw panda eyed Amy. She smiled when she her mum without most of the machines that around her yesterday.

"MUM!" She screamed, Her mums eyes opened slow;ly but surely.

"A- Am-Amy" She stuttered

"Its ok Mum am here" She rushed over to her side. She grabbed her hand and pulled it to her soft lips and kissed it.

"Amy" She breathed "I want to you know i love you. You need to look on the top of wardrobe" She mumbled. Her breathing was getting bad again. "You need to be happy again baby girl. Remember the good, happy times" She breathed. She coughed. This was getting harder and harder for to talk i could see. Amy was crying i was trying to comfort her the best i could. I really was."Amy, you have a good boyfriend" She was getting quieter and quieter "I love you baby-girl." She gave a warm smile. "Il love you to mum." 

"Alex.Look after my ba-"

There was that loud beeping sound. The doctors rushed in. They moved Amy away. The started to try to resuscitate her. NOTHING. Nothing was WORKING.

"MUM! NO LET ME GET TO HER" She kicked and screamed as i tried to hold her there. She was strong, i pulled her into my chest as he speaks. She was shaking. 

"Time of death; 5:30pm. Cause of death; Fatal Car crash." 

"NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Amy screamed at the top of her lungs. She sobbed. She screamed. 

"I will give you time to say your good byes" The doctor said As he left the room.

How could someone be taken so quick? How during mid sentence. What else was she going to say. All i new now was my strong girlfriend was weak and i couldn't bare to see this. Over the past couple of months when Amy's mum has been around, it was like having my mum back. I missed my mum. Amy's mum had filled a hole in my heart that i had forgotten about. Apart i hadn't felt for years. A mothers kinder touch. I could feel my eyes starting to well up. When i pulled out of my thoughts. Amy had collapsed to floor her heart was breaking and i could nothing about it this time. I walked over and sat on the floor next to her. I pulled her to my lap and held her tightly. She sobbed for ages. My top was drenched. Nearly a year ago i would have kicked off and hit something or someone but now i didn't care all i cared about was the girl in front of me. That was all i cared about. "Come on princess. Say good bye" I said soothing her, well i tried. She sniffled and slowly nodded her head.I got up from floor with her in bridal style and placed her on the chair. I was the first to speak. 

"Goodbye Mrs Dickinson. I will take care of her i promise. I wont let any harm come to her when you was around you was like my mum, you made me feel something since my mum left. Amy will my everything i promise." I smiled. I could feel a tear down my cheek, I well and truly loved this girl. I was going to do anything to help her be back to her old self. I grabbed her hand and kissed it. "Goodbye" I whispered.  Amy put her hand on shoulder signaling me to move. She sniffled before speaking

"Goodbye Mummy. I love you forever and always' 



Only a short chapter. Sad chapter in my eyes. Be nice for feed back.

With this being my first book am going to slowly bring it to a end. How ever the next few chapter are going to further in the future. A few after the death of her mum. I just hope people are liking it. 

Anyway:) Give me some feed back :) 



......................... JOrdieeeee xx

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