Chapter 14 - The Will.

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Amys POV. 

Its been a week now.... Y'know..... Since mum passed. I hated the word died. She hadn't died. She has just passed on to a new life. I have still all my hope and spirit about her in my heart. I felt so weak. It was the first time in about a week i had left the house. Yet again, it was something to do with my mum. I hadn't really spoken to Alex. Most nights i would sit on my mums bed and cry hugging her pillow and taking in her smell. She always smelt so week. Watermelon and Apple. Mine and hers favorite fruit. So many things reminded me about mum. Each every day Alex would say "Your getting stronger" but it felt like each and every day i was getting weaker. 

"Babe" Alex said in a monotone voice. He knew he was interrupting my thoughts. He gave me a warm little smile. "Its time to go to the will reading" I gave a little nod and tried to not cry. I had been dreading this day for the past days. Alex was always there for me but i pushed him away. Over past few days i kept getting texts of Lewis saying he needed to speak to me. It confused me so i left them and never replied. I didn't understand why all of a sudden he wanted to talk to me. I had been texting him since the day mum died and i got no reply but now, now he wanted to talk to me. Nope. I do not think so pal.

After the day my mum died i went back to the house and smashed everything in sight. I broke my lamp my dad had bought me, i broke the kitchen chair. I broke anything breakable. So Alex said.All i saw was black, Complete darkness until i woke the next day covered in bandages and locked in Alex's arms. I smiled a bit and that is when i remember about what she said about on top of her wardrobe. I went and got it and it was a box. With a note stuck to the side 'My beautiful daughter Amy, This if i have gone away and will never be able to see you again or if i die. Amy, you are not allowed to open up what is inside until our family lawyer. I love Amyy-Bee. Forever and always Mumma-Bee"  I cried when i read that Amyy-Bee has always been my mums name for me. Ever since i could remember she would call me it to cheer me up. I dint hesitate to ring lawyer. Now here we are. Waiting for the will to be read and to find out what it was. It was a heavy box and i often wanted to open it. 

We was meeting the lawyer at costa at 1 o'clock. We would then proceed to the reading. Costa was a short ride. So i got up took one last look at my self. I had a White blouse on with a knee length pencil skirt, black tights with simple black heels. I had bought this outfit for interviews,i never thought i would wear it for a funeral. My hair was in a perfectly straighten bun that sat just on the top of my head. I kept my make-up to the minimum, basic foundation, little bit of powder, some mascara and some nude coloured lipstick. I picked up my bag and house keys. I walked outside and locked the door. I took a breath and let out a sigh. I wasn't ready for this. Not one bit. 

"I love you no matter what" I breathed. I grabbed his hand and gave him a sort of smile. I saw his eyes glisten. It was the first time i had smiled since my mother passed. "I love you too" He smiled.  I missed his smile, this was so genuine. Not sympathetic. Like the rest he has been giving me all week. It made me stronger than i had ever felt.

The taxi ride was silent. Not a awkward silence but a nice silence. In the space of 2 weeks, me and Alex had grown up quicker than we should have done. We was both 17. Too young to become adults that ave to look after one another. I couldn't have asked for a better boyfriend than Alex over these few weeks. Nothing cheered me up like he did, even if most of the time it was fake.

 We reached costa. I saw Mrs Leach. She was at least 60. She was in a smart expensive suit. That was similar to what i was wearing but it probably cost more than my house and everything in it. She was my family lawyer. She dealt with everything that has happened with my family from the will reading for my grandma, to the death of my father and now to the death of my mother. She has helped. Even though this is the first time i have met since my dad died. Why is it when i run into people it do with bad things, Will things ever look up for me?? Or will i forever have grief? 

"Ah, Miss Dickinson,nice to see you was like your mother, always on time. However i am extremely sorry about your mother she was a good person" She whispered. She looked like she was about to cry. She had been friends with my mother for so long now. She has a right to cry. I walked over to her pulled her in to my embrace and hugged her while she let out a little sob. "Anyhow" She spoke wiping her eye. "We must get there quickly.Or we shall be late" She smiled as we set of walking.It wasn't a long walk but that not how my feet felt when we got to the tall building that stood in front of us.

I walked down a long hall, it was a old styled building. On the walls hung paintings and chandeliers. It was tiled floor and all i could hear was the clicking of heels.I was nervous. We reached the main reception and sat down until our name was called. When it was called we started to walk there was no elevators in this building so we has to use the staircase. It spiraled all the way up. Mrs Leach knocked on the door.

"Enter" A male spoke. I walked into the room. There was 5 seats in front of the man sat behind the desk. 5? Why was there 5? I'm sure there only 3 of us. "Please seat. We are waiting your brother Mr Smith and his lawyer." He muttered not moving his eyes away from the paper. 

BROTHER???? I HAVE A BROTHER? I'M A ONLY CHILD. I HAVE NO OTHER FAMILY. I looked wide-eyes at Mrs Leach. "B-br-brother?" I chocked. Mrs Leach nodded sadly. Alex pulled my face to look at him he gave me it-going-to-be-ok  look.

A loud knock came. I looked to see who it was. At first a very high standard lawyer walked in. Strolling in behind him was a boy. A boy i recognized. A boy who when i met was covered in tattoos and piercings and now.He has no piercing. No tattoos on show. He was dressed smartly. Hair style in a messy way, but still somehow made him look smart. 

What the hell?

It was LEWIS. Lewis was brother. 

You what bro?



Well, that was a twist. Im going to write a part too. 

I said i would bring Lewis back, Just never said how.



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