2. Small Talk

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The next morning was a blur as I was patted awake and told that we were taking off in ten minutes exactly. I didn't believe that those two would've been exact with their timing until Rotem barged into the bathroom and yanked me in the middle of me rinsing my mouth with water.

It was still dark outside but I saw the car they were going to cram me into. It was a simple red car that looked incredibly old and in horrible condition, there was already a decent amount of corrosion on the body of the car. The front of the vehicle appeared as if it had a gradient color of dark to bright red but as I looked closer, I noticed that it was just mostly dead bugs that gave the car a faded appearance. 

I was packed into the backseat and swallowed whole by the sea of junk items. The back was littered heavily with plastic bottles, food wrappers, books, cushions, shiny figurines and odd colored stones, all of which barely left any room for me. After cramming ourselves into place, we finally took off down the road, leaving behind that tiny motel resting in the sleepy dark as I watched it disappear behind other small buildings as soon as the car turned.

You may be wondering why I didn't try to leave the motel. It's impossible to do when you sleep next to someone who is a very light sleeper—and I hope you trust me when I tell you that I tried.

Eventually the small city lights faded away into dimness as the land around us gave away from a small town into the desert. I looked at the dash of the car and noticed that in bright blue lights that the time was 5:13 in the morning.

"Where are we going?" I asked as I stared out into the darkened horizon from my window.

Rotem shuffled his robes and found a package of cigarettes before he spoke, "We'll be making our way down to another campsite after fifteen hours of driving. Don't worry, we'll make stops as need be for gasoline and bathroom priorities. No one's getting a bottle to piss in my car, especially not after the last incident we had..."

"Yes, but where are we headed to?" I asked again.

"I already told you, today we're going to a campsite and tomorrow is another day... I haven't gotten around to planning that part of life yet," Rotem placed a cigarette on his lips and snapped his fingers. His index finger quickly caught on fire and he lightly touched the tip of the cigarette and took in a drag. He exhaled and smoke filled the car quickly.

"Alright, Aunt Cleo," Surge commented as he rolled down the window manually, "You're going to choke us with your cancer sticks and wisdom."

"So no one's going to tell me?" I asked again.

Their silence was enough to tell me that it was never going to get answered.

My eyes continued to dart around the car until I focused on the back of Surge's head. He still has on these awful earrings that are made of chunks of a blue stone and smaller silver hoops. He wore a necklace with another similar blue stone to go with his very blue hair. The guy seems to have a clear thing for the color blue and matching. He looked younger than I expected him to be... he couldn't be more than three years older than me.

I flicked my eyes to the back of Rotem and noticed that he was wearing the same thing as yesterday; a cream robe with gold details that gave off a Middle Eastern radiance... it looked comfortable to be in so I can't blame him for wearing something so different to what Surge and I were wearing. He shaved from yesterday to today; how did he have time for that?

After our first quick refill at a gas station, I had given up my mini-mind catalogue due to boredom when my sleepiness had managed to knock me off into a dreamless sleep.

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