11. I'm The Realest

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We finally made it to another city after a few days of sleeping in the car and having to deal with each other's grossness. Neither of us has showered in close to a week at this rate it's making me almost cry because I remember all the times I refused to wash when I was even younger than I am now. The stench became so unbearable that we ended up leaving the windows open at night after just only the second day.

If you're wondering about any murderers and creepers, there were none to be found. I suppose it's a great thing to have safety, but it also makes you realize just how much free land there is unclaimed by humans. For now we have relief but if something nasty were to happen, no one would know or care if we were to die out here in the wilderness. We're two kids lying in this stupid SUV in the middle of the desert. If there was one thing to be grateful for in this moment, it's the fact that I had my body back shift back to its original form.

Although the shifting took a little more than fifteen minutes to get back to normal, I was extremely happy to see my old self again along with all the flaws that I once took for granted. I also felt a bit stronger than I had, maybe that's why my muscles ached as if I worked at the gym for days. The pain had lessened up within a few minutes and I instantly became better as the days crept along.

The sunroof of the car showed a clear night sky with a messy decoration of guano on it that would put Pollock to shame, but the moon was nowhere to be seen among the stars. I tried my best to keep my mind as empty as possible... but I was never too good at dealing with silence. The thoughts ate at my esteem once again.

I sensed the car stirring slightly as I heard a groan escape from the backseat. Surge moved for a moment before falling back into his slowed breathing as I kept my eyes on the skyline, hearing another exaggerated groan from the back as the back of my chair bumped.

"Ugh, it's freezing," Surge said in a slurred tone before sitting up as he continued to nudge my chair, "The cold woke me up from my snooze."

I hummed out a tune of understanding as I kept my eyes fixed on the dark color of the sky.

"Why do you always do that?" Surge asked suddenly. Sitting up, he tried to see if there was a blanket in the car.

I was startled from the break of silence. I tilted my head back to see him but it was impossible due to my position in the chair. Instead, I focused my head back up toward the stars.

"You mean staring at the clouds all day?" I asked as I bit back a growing shiver.

"No, you don't just look at clouds... you look at everything as a whole, you see people, you can see so much more than you expect," Surge began to say in between his random shuffling in the backseat. "And there's no stupid blanket in the whole car, that's perfect. Can you believe this guy and his stupidity over his lack of comfort and warmth? That's just plain reckless, especially considering how this was the car used by the police."

The rest I tuned out. I'm nothing special, that's ridiculous. That and the conversation was going somewhere a bit too stupid for my liking. Just because I stare at stuff for a long while doesn't make me deep. Can't a person like clouds for clouds sake?

"Are you listening?" Surge said and he clearly knew the answer before he finished asking. "I just wanted to bond or something. You see, guys just never 'chat'; is that so wrong to do?"

"Maybe some of them aren't much for being a listener," I said.

"And what about you? Are you like that?" He asked.

"I'm just a person who wants to do a bit of both. Not like I ever get the chance to have much conversations anyway," I said as I shook my head and huffed out, "The kids back at the orphanage... I wasn't liked much by anyone. You're the first person to even know my name since I've been here."

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