2. Dungeon

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The sun beats down onto my back as I drudge through the sand, which has started to pour into my shoes. Judal, who walks ahead of me, pays no mind. I resist the urge to throw something at him, as he walks easily.

I've decided he has to use some form of magic, though I'm not quite sure what. Not that knowing would help me out any... Without any of my metal vessels, I'm pretty much defenseless.

"Say Princess, you wouldn't happen to know where your metal vessels are would you?" He asks me, I can already tell from his voice an annoying smirk is plastered on his face.

"If I knew, I would have them back," I grumble, crossing my arms over my chest. I lost my two metal vessels a few months ago, and have been searching for them since, but I haven't been lucky enough to actually find them.

"Hey, it's not my fault you lost them," he sighs, "But we'll have to do something about that before we go to the Kou empire."

"What are you talking about?" I ask, my voice filled with confusion. I wish he would just explain things instead of leaving me to ask question after question.

"As a Magi, I'll just-"

"What's a magi?" I ask, tilting my head to the side, as a tick mark forms on his forehead.

"They're considered the strongest magic users with the largest amount magoi in the creation of the world," he declares proudly, "We're the magicians who shape the world."

I roll my eyes, "So what are you going to do? Find my metal vessels?"

"If you had let me finish I would've already explained," he glares at me, "I'm going to raise a dungeon for you to capture."

"Y-You can do that!?" I exclaim, looking at with with a newfound sense of awe. I had no clue how dungeons were created, and it's almost impossible to imagine the obnoxious, snarky boy in front of me does.

"Just watch." He smirks, as he waves his silver wand beside him.

The ground begins to shake, and my eyes widen as I look to Judal. In front of him, a tall building appears from thin air.

The building itself is a few stories high, and made completely out of marble. Towers branch off near the top, each turret with its own unique stained glass windows. The beauty of it all amazes me, before I realize what this means.

He expects me to capture the dungeon.

It'll be the third dungeon I've had to capture, but just because I captured the others, it doesn't mean it was easy. In both dungeons I almost died... And I don't have a single weapon on me, what the hell does he expect?

"There you go," he sighs, "Try and finish it quickly, I don't plan on spending months alone out here."

"What about a weapon?" I gape, staring at the dungeons tall silver plated doors.

"I'm sure you'll manage something inside," he rolls his eyes, heading towards the shade a few paces away from me.

"You're not coming with me?" I ask, suddenly anxious about the feat he makes out to be so simple.

"No," he scoffs, almost sounding offended, "I'm a Magi, assisting you would be like cheating."

"Whatever," I mumble, wringing my hands together, "Can't we just find my metal vessels?"

"You said you didn't know where they were," he shoots back, "Now quit stalling."

I nod, walking towards the dungeon. My stomach twists as I begin to open the door, looking over my shoulder to Judal, who gives me a look of fake enthusiasm.

As I push open the door, a familiar bright light surrounds me, along with the same shimmering rukh that always clusters in the dungeons. Next thing I know, I'm thrust into a large garden.

Hedges covered with bright pink and orange flowers tower over me, their scent entrancing as I momentarily close my eyes. I begin to focus on what I came here to do, and what that will entail.

First things first, I need a weapon. As I open my eyes, I exhale, my head tilting upwards to see what else is around me.

Far ahead of me, stands another doorway, seemingly unprotected. Yet, no matter how it's seems, I know from my last dungeons it's anything but.

I still don't have anything to defend myself with, so I air on the side of caution while approaching. Nothing jumps out, so I begin running to get as close as I can while I can. As my feet spring off of the ground, I feel something wrap tightly around my ankle, forcing me to the ground.

When my shoulder hits the uneven floor, I wince, then whip my head towards my feet. A thick vine entangles them, and it only continues to tighten. I cry out in pain as I claw at them, struggling to break free.

Still on my stomach, I run my hands along the ground, looking up in hopes of finding something, anything, to help me. By sheer luck, I find a sharp rock, desperately hitting it against the vines, which apply an almost bone shattering force to my ankles.

When I finally break them off of me, I bolt up, continuing to run towards the door, weary of the other vines which are darting out from beneath the hedges.

I manage to make it to the door, my hand clamping around it's handle and twisting, as I let myself into another hellish layer of the dungeon.

A/N: Sorry for the hiatus!! I'll be posting a new chapter tonight or tomorrow morning. Also sorry for this story chapter being so slow, I'm trying to get back into writing this style, but next chapter I'll try to make better!

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