13. Waves

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I wake up to the sound of the door to my room slamming shut, which forces me to bolt upright. There's no light in my room, and I struggle to light a candle, as silently as possible. When I finally light it, my room is empty. I shake my head, wondering if maybe I'm just imagining things. Either way, I'm too on edge to go back to sleep. I get up from the bed, candle still in hand, and head for the door.

I walk down the small hallway to the stairs which lead to the deck. Everything's quiet, weirdly quiet. I don't even hear Hinahoho's train-like snoring. I shrug it off, as I climb up the steps. The wind is blowing harder than I thought it would, catching me off guard. I shake a little, as my bare feet get cold too. We're definitely getting closer to Imuchakk, that's why it's so damn cold.

I walk to the edge of the boat, looking over the side at the water. No ones on deck, not even someone to captain the boat. I have a strange feeling about all this, but I'm probably just freaked out from earlier. I was coming up here to clear my head, not come up with crazy ideas.

I decide to go back below deck, being on the water all alone at night isn't something I'd normally be bothered by, but something isn't right, "I'm gonna find Sin," I murmur to myself, as I head to his room. Light shines from beneath his door, which makes me smile, knowing I can sit up and talk to him for at least a little while.

I open the door to see him sitting at his desk, scratching his head and pouring over some important looking papers. He looks up from the desk when he hears the door, and a smile comes to his lips.

"(Y/N)," he smirks, "Coming in at night like I said earlier?"

I roll my eyes as I close the door behind me, "Don't be so full of yourself."

"Well," he laughs, "You're the one walking in when everyone else is asleep. Pretty scandalous if I say so myself."

I walk over to his desk, glancing at the papers which says something about a trade agreement, "Seems you're too busy working even if I was here for that."

"If you were," he pauses, "I could easily put this off until tomorrow."

I punch him playfully on the shoulder, before walking over to his bed. I take a seat on the edge as he watches me carefully. He really is such a perv, "I'm just here to talk to you."

"About what?" He asks, raising his dark eyebrows worriedly. I guess guys never like hearing the whole "we need to talk" thing, even successful kings.

"Not much of anything really," I shrug, "I just thought you could bore me back to sleep with one of your crazy stories from when I've been gone."

"Actually, I think you owe me a story," he says, organizing the papers on his desk, "Don't you?"

"I'm trying to put that off can't you tell," I sigh. Had I known coming to his room would lead to this I would have just stayed in the deck.

"So I just never get to know what happen?" He asks half-jokingly.

"Guess not." I smirk, as he walks over to the bed, his eyes staring into mine.

"Cute pajamas," he smiles, stretching out on the bed beside me, "I guess I could tell you a story..."

"You guess?" I question, laying back on the bed beside him. We turn towards each other, our faces only inches apart. I wait for him to continue, but he pauses for a minute, just to look at me. His eyes go over my entire face, first staring at my eyes, my nose, my lips. It drives me crazy, but I let him do it, wondering if maybe he's trying to memorize my features, or if he's looking for similarities between me now, and the me he knew years ago. A few more seconds go by, and suddenly, he closes the distance between us, his lips brush gently against mine at first, but with each second that goes by, there's more passion. My eyes close almost immediately, and I feel his rough hand cupping my cheek, then slowly moving it's way to the back of my neck. He deepens the kiss for a moment, then pulls away, our breathing shallow as we part. I open my eyes to see him smiling back at me, all too pleased with himself.

I fight the urge to roll my eyes, and just lay there, feeling comfortable, and safe. The safest I've felt in a while. I hadn't realized how much I missed everything about Sinbad, his childish smirks, his gentle laughs, his golden eyes which make my stomach do flips every time he looks at me, his lips, which fit perfectly with mine, like fireworks going off in every fiber of my body. Everything about him that I tried to forget about to make missing him hurt less. He's finally here in front of me again, and I can't help but be sad. Just like last night, the thought of being gone from him for so long creeps into my mind again. This time not in bittersweet pieces, but a wave of loneliness and pain, and everything I'd had to endure when I could've been here, hits me. I can't stop myself from crying. The tears stream down my face silently as he looks at me alarmed, certain he's done something wrong.

"Hey," he whispers softly, "I'm sorry (Y/N), I'm sorry..."

He pulls me closer to him, my face burrowing into his chest, muting the sounds of my sobs. His arms wrap around me, and stay that way until I come to my senses.

"I'm so sorry you have to see me like this," I mutter, angry with myself for acting so dramatic, "You shouldn't have to deal with this-"

"You didn't do anything wrong," he smiles, like he understood exactly what I was thinking and why. He brushes his hand through my hair as I rest my head back on the pillow, waiting for my breath to even out.

A/N: You guys probably aren't reading this too much anymore, but I'm determined to finish this book! I'm getting on it promise! Thanks to everyone who's requesting updates and motivating me to finish, sorry I've been gone forever too... Love you always!
-Author-Chan ❤️

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