15. Imuchakk

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As we enter his room, he plops down on his bed, which is piled with more blankets than there were the last time I was here. He let's out a sigh, stretching his body out and taking up the entire bed. Seeing this, I take a seat in the chair beside his desk, turning it around to face him.

"You aren't going to come over here and keep me warm?" He whines, giving me a wide-eyed look.

I shake my head, "Thats what all those blankets are for aren't they?"

"It's not the same," he complains, rolling onto his stomach dramatically.

I stifle a laugh as I creep up behind him, then pounce onto his back. He laughs for a moment before getting a mischievous glint in his eye. I almost regret jumping on him for a second, but I end up matching his glance. He raises a single eyebrow is suspicion, then proceeds to grab my arms, pinning them above my head with one hand, while simultaneously using the other to tickle the living hell out of me.

"P-Please," I manage to get out between peals of laughter, "Stop!"

"Not until you agree to keep me warm!" He teases, stopping for a moment.

I catch my breath as he looks at me, his eyes boring into mine. This feeling is strange, but familiar, like something I remembered from so long ago, but slowly began to fade. It feels as if my heart is dancing around in my chest, like it knows something I don't. It feels like somehow everything wrong with me has been fixed with just one look. It's chaotic but blissful, like finding something I'd thought was lost forever.

I love him.

The realization hits me harder than I'd have liked. Of course I knew I loved him before, but this is a different kind of love I didn't grasp all those years ago. It's intimidating, to know these feelings are out of my control, but I'm not scared because something tells me he feels the same.

My face begins to blush profusely, which the arrogant King picks up on, as he releases my arms.

"Something wrong?" He asks, his tone low and even, trying to prevent me from becoming further embarrassed.

"N-No," I laugh awkwardly, "I'm just kinda hot that's all."

"Well you can always strip if-"

"No Sinbad I'm fine in my clothes, I just think I'll go above deck for a while, get some air." I explain, getting up to leave.

"Sorry for pinning you down like that-"

"It's not like that Sin," I smile, placing a hand on his face, running a thumb over his strong jaw. This eases his concerns, as he returns a smile, and watches me go.

I make my way up to the deck once more, to find Hinahoho leaning against the edge, looking out onto the water. His expression is hard to read, but considering he isn't smiling as usual, I assume somethings wrong.

"Hey," I say, looking up at him, "How are you?"

"Good," he smiles finally, "Excited to be home, or almost anyways."

"Are we going to be meeting with your sister?" I ask him gently, staring out into the water alongside him. He nods, but doesn't respond further.

After a moment he turns to me, "So I know you said not to ask about you and Sin, but I'm wondering where you'll both go from here."

"Hmm," I hum in response, "I'm not sure. I mean, I'm pretty sure I love him. I always have I guess? But it's different now if that makes any sense. It's not just that I like him anymore, it's like I need him. Maybe it's all too soon for this, I am only just getting back. But it's been so long I don't want to waste any time."

Again, he nods, not giving me much to work with. I shrug before continuing, "I should talk to Sin about what he thinks is next shouldn't I?"

"If anyone could help you it'd be him," Hinahoho tells me, "I'm going to finish packing my things, we should be there in twenty minutes or so." He motions to the land in front of us, which looks further away than it really is. I follow his instructions, heading to my room, to finish gathering up what Ja'Far left me.


"That went well!" I laugh, admiring the fur lined jacket Hinahoho's sister Piprika gave to me. It fits a little big, but it keeps me warmer than the jacket I brought, so I don't have much to complain about.

"Well, we knew it would," Ja'Far explains, "It is Hinahoho's family after all."

Obviously I know that, but I just give him a shrug, running up beside Sinbad, "Now what?" I ask him, hardly able to contain myself.

"Well now we go pick up our shipments, and then we can head back to Sindria."

My jaw drops at hearing this, "That's it?" I ask, "Where's the sense of adventure? The epic battles?"

Sin shakes his head slowly, "No need, this was supposed to be a quick here and back trip. There's things to do back home."

I nod understanding, yet slightly disappointed. I guess not every trip can end with using djinn to rough up a gang of thugs, despite the fun it would be to fight alongside Sinbad again.

We make it to a large warehouse where Sinbad tells me the supplies are stored, and we walk around for a minute, following the building manager to where their shipment is stored.

I lag behind them, admiring an open case of beautifully embroidered linens, running my hand over them and wondering how long they took to stitch. When I look up from where I'm at I realize I've lost them. Cursing under my breath, I wander around trying to find them, but to no avail. I'm about to give up and stay put, when I hear a familiar voice behind me.

"This is where you chose to run off too?" The voice laughs sarcastically, "Not the best weather I'd say."

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