Chapter Seven "Professions"

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After a night of arguing from Emmy and Victoria, Neptune was tired. When he awoke, he was once again in the room. He still wore the military cargo pants and bandages but the bandages were fresh now. It was quiet for the most part. He sat up and brought his legs  over the side of the bed, looking around the room once more. He yawned and rubbed his eyes. One thing he missed about his time was that there was always the smell of fresh brewed coffee in the morning for him. He wondered if coffee still existed, or even the beans. That he would have to discover later.

He got up and stretched his legs. He attempted to perform some basic exercises. However with his wounds, it was painful and difficult for the most part. Surprisingly he felt a lot better than he did last night. His right arm felt way better than the rest of his body, which meant that he could wield a sword, and that put him at ease. He looked around the room to find his clothes in a harsh looking dresser in a corner of the room. He like the pants he was wearing so he kept them on. He grabbed his shirt and slipped into it. It felt rough and cold. Probably from, primitive, washing techniques. He tried his best to slip into his shoes and once he was comfortable enough, he left the room.

He looked around the home for a toilet because boy, did he have to go. He started looking for rooms. He found three metal doors near each other, closed. He was hesitant to open any of them. He has seen enough anime to know that it is a bad idea to just barge into a room without knocking and getting an answer. He was not in the mood for one of those scenarios. He picked the door to the left and knocked on it gently.

Knock, knock, knock. No answer. Knock, Knock, knock. Still nothing. It sounded as if the room was unoccupied. He turned the handle and pushed the door open. He was greeted by an armory. No doubt owned by the lieutenant of a woman who housed him. The walls had melee weapons and heavy weapons while there were racks with rifles and sidearms. Some he recognized from his time, others that were completely alien in nature. The technology was boundless. However he had bathroom to find. He closed the door and returned to the hall.

The boy then decided on middle door. He hesitantly knocked on it. Knock, knock, knock. No answer. Knock, knock, knock. Again, no answer.

As he was about to knock a third time, the door open to reveal a bed heady Victoria. She was in only a loose T-shirt that Neptune recognized as one of his own that was in his pack. It hung loosely from her shoulder, showing off some of the skin of her lightly bruised and scarred body. The sight brought a slight blush to Neptune’s face and a some warmth to his pants. She was without her eyepatch but her hair obscured the bare, damaged, eye. Her other eye was barely open.

“What do you want? I was sleeping.” Her words almost came out slurred.

“Good morning, Victoria.” Neptune chuckled.

She snapped awake when she realized who it was, “Ah, uh. G-good morning, Neptune. Hahahaha.” She chuckled nervously as she tried to straighten herself up and fix her hair. “Wha-” She cleared her throat, “What brings you here this early.” She laughs slightly.

He spoke, “Oh I am just looking for somewhere to relieve myself. It has kind of been a while. Haha.”

Victoria’s face turned bright red, “R-relieve yourself? Y-y-y-you, I mean we can’t. I- me, you. We just met and…” She starts to blabber embarrassed.

“V-victoria, I really need to go. I can’t hold it much longer. I’m gonna burst here.” Neptune looks at her expectantly.

Victoria continues, “W-well I suppose that I- I mean if we are…” She pauses and looks at Neptune with his legs kind of clenched. Then it dawns on her. Her face turned even more red. “Oh! You mean! You have to use the wash closet?”

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2017 ⏰

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