The Degnach

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The Degnach

 “I lie not, sister mine!” Said a short woman as she walked through the gloomy blue shimmer of blanket that was night, a foot away from her companion, an equally short, yet considerably older Dark Creature.

“That vision which you seem… most willing to unwaveringly recognize as future truth is most absurd, Samaire.” Replied the other, memorizing the bark of the willow trees growing beside the well-worn path with the back of her hand, for with her palm she had already done so.

The woman named Samaire glanced up at the First Moon, which shone radiantly as if boasting its great beauty and power all Espherak. She folded her hands together as if in prayer.

“Whilst we are ignorant of the high powers above and below and are concerned only with the land immediately beneath our feet we shall be quick victims to stupidity.” She reached out toward her companion and stroked her arm. “Please, sister mine. You must believe me. Though I indeed am but Living, I have been granted Sight by the Dead. Espherak depends on all, ye and I included, and we depend on Espherak also.  Were we to unbalance the Perfect Balance of our world, all would be doomed! Have your mind open to new ideas that do not fit into the ordinary you are used to, sister mine, or we shall live on forevermore and be labeled as Damned Creatures—though as you know from my constant, forlorn whispering, I believe all Living are Damned in birthright.” Samaire broke off sharply.

“The Second Moon levitates into the dark heavens as we speak. I sincerely hope…that you trust me.”

The companion glared at the rising globe. “Farewell, Samaire. I shall trust your judgment when you be proved correct.”

Samaire kissed the older one’s extended hand. “I only wish I could waver upon my judgment, sister mine, as you do so easily. However, I know future truth when I See it. Be safe, ancient.”

Samaire followed the rapidly disappearing figure with her gaze until this one evaporated behind a bend of sycamores. Peace and quiet, she thought. At last.

Samaire ran her hand between her shoulder blades. She could feel one minuscular puncture on each. She had just enough time before the Seventh Moon rose. She let her arm drop at her side.

She attempted to clear her mind of past and future, and it wasn’t as difficult as it had been years past.

The present was all she needed, at the moment.

And for a few seconds, while all her senses, both consciously and not, silently gathered and brought to her every event that was happening in Espherak right then, Samaire found herself entranced, yet unable to think about the fact that she was just that moment.

She was absolutely still until a rush of emotions—as potent as the explosion of a large planet, it felt like—flooded her veins and skin, and everything else they could saturate in her. And as this happened, she began to tremble with the rage of many, the tortured souls of several, and the exultation, love and passion of few. Thousands of ideas based on millions of points of view crisscrossed her body and the effects of the actions that followed these swam into the river of emotions that was all she was then. 

As the last of the present events met her, she felt herself fly backwards and hit a weeping willow. Samaire couldn’t really feel the pain of it, though, what with the most powerful force a living thing could possibly endure trapped in a spinning, brightly-glowing orb-like form inside her.

This, she knew, was more than enough energy to complete what was known as the Transformation of the Degnach.

Using all of her strength, Samaire mentally conducted the present up her spine, through her shoulder blades. From there, the energy that was wildly trying to find an exit out of this strange prison, found the opportunity that were two nudges with tiny holes at their tips. As the power began filtering through these, Samaire once again conducted the energy.

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