The Encounter

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The Encounter

Samaire marched with Amaranth on her side. White and red blossoms grew from the green grass, and the air was chilly. Chilly, but still pleasant. In the delicate daylight, Samaire was wingless. The Degnach were not changed until the rising of the Seventh Moon. Amaranth walked with her usual calm disposition and acceptance. It was early enough that the birds hadn’t yet risen, and the Weaving had not begun.

Samaire knew exactly where she was headed. In her dreams she had seen the place where the humans had stayed for the night—an island of hidden wonders and riches. She remembered the tale behind it as she walked…

The beach had once been bare of jewels. The island had had a Leader, too. The people of Woon had been poor, but happy. The land had provided enough food for them all. But, the Leader had wanted his land to be a major trading center for the people of Espherak; he journeyed to the center of his island—the Wishing Well of Woon—and wished for his island to be the richest one of all.

The Wishing Well had granted his wish…but the favor had to be repaid. So the Wishing Well confounded the people, Leader included...and up to date they still didn’t know just how valuable their land was, or how happy they were. It was all too cloudy. Why, they didn’t even know the difference between weaving and Weaving!

On cue with Samaire’s thoughts, the Weaving of the day began.

A lone flute’s sweet song painted the sun’s rays glorifying the hilltop. A second flute joined harmoniously, bringing with it a light drizzle and breeze…and then an oboe joined the delicate melody. The trio nursed the creatures of the earth out of their burrows. Tiny heads poked out from between tufts of grass, and colorful birds stirred in their nests.

The trio was slowly scaling from a perfect harmony to a more tense variation. The oboe held a high note softly. As it echoed, a duo of clarinets and a bassoon Weaved a bridge of security, beginning in the round, sure sounds of lower scales and rising to a sweet conclusion…

And then, the cellos and violas roared into a storm of chords, and the drizzle and breeze transformed into a wild storm that scattered seeds and leaves and Life all about.

Petite Amaranth clung to Samaire’s sure arms as her white gossamer gown was caught by the tempest. She was so little she’d almost been swept away.

The violins then joined the rest of the strings, striking the enchanting melody and reason back into the world. The winds settled; the leaves fluttered one last time.

And now the flower buds blossomed fully and the skies blushed in hues of pink and blue.

It was dawn, and the Weaving was just beginning. The music would simmer throughout the day, reaching a balmy melody by midday…it would grow slightly cool and distant by the afternoon…and then at night it would be pianissimo and soothing.

“I think we shall have ourselves a very interesting day, don’t you think?” Samaire asked with a smile—the type only the Weaving could bring to her face. Amaranth chuckled nervously. The encounter they were going to be part of would determine the life or death of the two humans…and if more of their type invaded, possibly a great war.

Samaire sighed. “We cannot let these humans take our world, Amaranth. We will kill each and every one of them to protect the life here. If we don’t, our world would turn as sickly as Earth.”

One melody change later, the two silhouettes reached the island of Woon. There was a smoothie stand by the shore, and a distracted young boy stood behind it. Not human.

Samaire scanned the area. Then she spotted two small figures leaning against a palm tree. One seemed to be human. The other was a…Season Authority?! Samaire had not been expecting that. Well, that wasn’t changing her mind. She strode confidently through the gleaming jewel path. Amaranth lagged behind.

“Amaranth! Dearest Companion, come with me.” Amaranth hesitated, but followed her Companion. 

The figures then saw them. They stood, and turned with confused, but otherwise friendly faces. The human spoke.

 “Why, hello. I haven’t ever seen you around these parts before. Mind you, I’m new here. Maya Spekter is my name!” The short human extended a friendly hand. Samaire knew this was a greeting for humans, but ignored it. The human dropped her arm awkwardly.

“You are not welcome here, human.”Samaire spoke in a firm voice. “Neither is your sister.” Amaranth just nodded, eyes closed. Maya’s eyes trailed on her stitched features.

“We were captured and brought here. We weren’t trying to—”

“Well you should have killed yourself as soon as you set foot on this land. You will not last long here.” Samaire then set eyes on the Season Authority. Yes, they had power over the rest of the creatures…but bringing humans into Espherak would cost him his title.

“You brought them here. On purpose.” She stated.

The Season Authority nodded grimly. “I wasn’t thinking.”

“Well, clearly as a brook, you were not!” She shouted. “How could you? Humans. Humans, of all creatures! You have ruined us! You…you…despicable excuse of a being.”

The Season Authority’s eyes flared dangerously.

“I have indeed made a mistake. However, I am not despicable. You’ve no power to speak to me in that way. You’re just a Degnach with a Companion. Like thousands of others. Be gone. I can fix this.”

Samaire grimaced. “Can you. Can you, really? Well that is superb. I give you three days.” She laughed humorlessly. “Three days, or I shall arrange our troops to seize and kill these humans, and yourself.”

The Season Authority lost control. He lunged at the Degnach, grabbing her head with both of his hands and boring his eyes into hers. “Who are you?”

Samaire spit in the Season Authority’s face. “The Degnach Queen’s daughter. The next ruler of the Cliffs and Willowoods. Three days. You have three days before the humans invade, and I am forced to act!” She brought her arm in a choke-hold around his neck. It didn’t take long before he released her.

“Invasion! There are but two humans, Degnach!”

“The name is Samaire.” She glared at the human girl, who had been stupefied during the encounter. “Kill yourself before I come back and kill you.”

Samaire placed a Temporary Confusion charm on both the human and the Season Authority (who she now openly despised), and she and Amaranth left the island of Woon.

It was evening, and the cool, sharp melody that reached her ears was as resolute as her mood. Three days before the invasion. Three. 

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