Honey I'm home

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A few minutes later June and I reached the hostel. I've always looked forward to going there. The building had square light bricks with a light layer of vines already covering half of the bottom building. Walking  through a well kept garden and pebbles on the path to the heavy wooden door, designed with elegant old detailed paterns.

Whenever you enter this great mansion, you hear the tingly sound of your footsteps hitting the marbled floor. Two stairways coverted from one end to the other, leading to a long hallway.

Room 21.

Everyone has a roommate here at the hostel... and guess what mine was June as well! Which is the reason we became such great friends. We have known each other now for 2 years, we've had each others backs ever since... "Through thick and thin." We'd always say.

"Honey I'm home!" We both sang as we entered. Then bursted into laughter this was a usual thing for us to do.
I ran and flopped onto my bed "Oh bed ,wonderful bed , how i missed you." I said a bit mellow dramaticly stuffing my face in my pillow. "Likewise" June flopped onto her bed as well.

We laughed again.

We made a lot of commotion, and because our door was left opened, Cameron's head popped in, "Thought I heard you girls." Cameron is my one of my few...ok my only male friend. And although I never thought of him more than just a friend, he sure has gotten very attractive. Dark hair, piercing green eyes and pale skin.

June has never actually admitted this, but I know that she has a huge crush on him. Although I don't think anyone else would notice, because she doesn't make it that obvious.

"Heyyy, Cam...care to join us the beds." June said in a very joking flirty matter, our friendship has always been like this with Cam. We constantly joke with each other. Another reason no one would expect June liking him. BUT we are very close.

"I'd love to, but maybe another time. I'd like you girls to meet my new roommate..." and then there he was Dylan!?

A tremendous wave of heat chills spread across my entire body. Intense heat gleamed off my face.
Sudden sensation of not being able to breathe... I couldn't believe it.

How is it that a guy that just came is such a big part of my life now!?...

I could see that he was also not expecting to see me, but he seemed not to care ever so slightly. Although he did try not to look my direction.

"Dylan meet my girrlss, this is my lovely lady Alex and then the sun of my life Juuune" he was smirking the whole time. Which

Dylan's face lit up when he caught me staring at him. I bit my lower lip he was smiling ,why does he have to be so goddamn hot?!

"Hi" he looked at me like finallywemeet look in his eyes "nice to meet you." He mainly said to June.

"Okay, so I'm having this party tonight and I'd love to see you two there" Cameronsaid while pointing his fingers at us.

"Ye...yeah...sure" was all i could get out. "Great! See you girls at eight." He blew a kiss to June, she motioned that they had to get out. As soon as the door shut we both looked at each other shocked.

That's all I got for you guys today...sorry it's a small chapter.
I would really appreciate comments♡
Next update will be coming soon.

Hostel RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now