So tell me.

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It's been four days since I saw Dylan. Four days where I actually felt tortured. Four whole days of longing...

Snap out of it!

It's only been four days and I feel like shit... "whoop dedoo". Today is Monday so that means school. Back to that hell hole.

The classes went by slowly, very slowly and still no sign of him. The next period was PT -or as I like to call it... Physical Torture. June and I headed to the locker room and changed.

Once we were in the gym there was already a class busy, the girls running /jogging/ walking around the gym. And the boys using the gym equipment.

There was however someone who caught my attention. His shirt revealing his very muscular arms.
He was at bench press. Lifting heavy.

A sight for swore eyes.

But funny enough... I've never seen him before.
He looked up aware of eyes on him. His eyes roamed around, then settled on mine.
I just casually turned away.

"Hmm" she said not concentrating, she was on her knees digging inside her gym bag.
"Who's that?" I asked while pointing secretly to him.

She looked up and at the diretion I was pointing. "Whoa... I didn't know this was every-smoking-hot-guy-move-to-our-town-week." June was biting her lower lip.

"Amy" I whispered to the girl from the other class ,who was getting her water bottle. She looked up "Yes?" She whispered back smiling.

She was by far the cutest girl I knew. Shy, quiet ,petite and very small , literally I mean if you didn't know her, you'd think that she was still in middle school.

"Who's that new guy?" I pointed his direction. She didn't even look, she already knew who we were referring to.

"Oh...that's just Blake." She looked away and sounding uninterested

"Hmmm." June couldn't help but smile, grinning to herself. "He has a girlfriend..." Amy she said annoyed.
"Awh what a shame" June sounded disappointed "I would totally bang that... he looks like he's really good..."

"June!" I laughed awkwardly "We don't want to hear your 2am fantasies."
"I'm just saying, he's fine looking."
Amy just stood there looking at her reading material, nodding.

I looked up again, but when I did Blake was standing right in front of me. Extending a hand he introduced himself "Hi , I'm Blake." with the cutest smile. "Oh" I stumbled "Hi...hi, I'm Alexandra, but everyone calls me Alex."

June coughed slightly. Making me realize I was standing a while with his hand still in mine just staring at each other.
I removed my hand quickly from his.
"Oh... uhm Blake these are my two good friends, Amy and this is June."

"Enchanté" June replied and shook his hand.
Blake looked at Amy but she was just staring at the ground. "Nice to meet you." She said still looking down.

"Anyway it was nice meeting you all. Hope to see you again." He winked at me and then turned away.
Amy was just staring at him shaking her head while he walked away...but I didn't even notice, because I was kind of well staring at him as well. My eyes went to June.

"Ooh he has such a cute butt." She whispered near my ear. I couldn't help but laugh out loud and this earned me some looks from people the 'what-the-fuck?' kind of looks. Which made us shut up. But we still giggled.

I returned to the dorm alone ,because June had to attend some film-club thingy. But it was fine cause I kind of wanted to be alone, my head felt a bit fuzzy and I was wondering where Dylan was.

And I just thought enough is enough I just wanted some answers. And hey I know what you guys are thinking... I'm not one of those people who usually interfere ,but he was definitely different.

I went to Cameron's room and knock on the door. There was a moment of silence but then the door opened. It was Cam. "Hey Alex... what a friendly surprise... what ya doing here?"
He sounded a bit taken a back when he said those words. I actually felt offended but I rubbed it off he probably didn't even mean it like that.

"Ah...yeah, can we talk?"
"Yeah, sure-sure c'mon in."
And he stood back to make room for me to enter.

"So what you wanna talk about?" He asked while sitting on the couch.
I just kept standing cause I wasn't in the mood to sit.
" yeah, umm I was just wondering whether or not like you know where Dylan is...? Have you seen him?"

There was a sigh. "Uh yeah, umm he went to see his foster councilor-thingy. Cause he has to check up with her in the few days that he has been here to check if everything is going alright. And if he was settling in ok."

"Oh..." I just decided to leave the topic, I don't think that Dylan would appreciate it that I was asking personal questions about him to someone he barely knows.

"So tell me." I started to clear the awkward atmosphere that was beginning to form. "Tell me what happened with you and June?" I couldn't help but smirk.

He buried his face in his hands. "Oh god..."
I pouted and gave him big puppy eyes.
"Fine you really wanna know?"
"Well if you're insisting on telling me." I said mockingly and then nodded my head in anticipation.

He just rolled his eyes at me. "Ok so it was ruffly about two o'clock in the morning, where most of the guests kind of left with people they didn't arrive with..." he gave me 'that' look. "and a there were some really drunk as fuck people still here and I decided to just send them to their rooms. Yeah I know what you're thinking, but they got drunk. Not my fault. So whatever could have happened, I have nothing to do with."

"Go on." I said after a few moments of silence. "Well June was the last person here she insisted on us having another drink, she wasn't that drunk and neither was I, so bottoms up." He chuckled at the memory.
"Anyway so basically we made out and then we both knew how we felt about each other, and the...we both felt each other." And he winked at me.

"Eww..." I laughed "when you say it like that it just sounds gross."

"But yeah...we did it."
"What you mean and?"
"And as in how was it?" I was curious because I was still a virgin.
"C'mon I've had sex with girls countless times, how was this any different?" He sounded proud.

"You know exactly what I mean." I was kind of pissed to hear his answer so I turned around and made my way to the door, but before I could leave Cam said "It was great, because I now finally know how she feels about me. I was just never really sure. I don't wanna sound corny or anything, but I think I really, really like her."

I just looked at him and smiled. That answer was all I could ever dream of hearing.
"Don't tell her."
"I won't, I promise." And with that I was out the door.

I know it's not my place to tell her his feelings, it was his duty to tell her.
When I got back to my dorm room I was surprised to see who was standing there waiting for me...

Wow it feels like an eternity since I've last updated, I'm so sorry but I struggled with getting inspired. And I had a bit of writers block. Mah bad...

Hoped you enjoy and tell me what you think. And if you like please vote ☆

I'll try and be more vigilant with the next update. ♡

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