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*Christmas Eve. The day where all the idiots do their last minute shopping that they have put off for months. One of those idiots was rushing to the store now, dragging one of her best friends along.*

"Help me!!!" Lizzy whined at a shrugging Michael.
"I don't know what to get a person I'm not even friends with!" He shot at her.
"You know him!!!" She fired back.
"No I don't!! I don't hang out with his obnoxious group!!"
"Jeremey is not obnoxious!!!" She hissed and grabbed his hand. "Just use your insight and tell me what I should get that dreamboat..."
He gagged and Lizzy rolled her eyes. "Pleaaaase!! Pretty pleassee!! With a cherry on top!!"
"I don't even like cherries..."
"Pleeeeeeeaaaaaaaseeee!!!!!" She was practically on her knees begging him.
He sighed. "Okay fine... But only on one condition... You help me find a present for Ben..."
"OoOooo... I'll definitely help you!!! Baseball star heading up to the plate to hit a home run!!!" She shouted out like a commentator.
"I play football... But I guess that's close enough!" He laughed.

*Lizzy paraded around the mall singing cheers of delight.*

"What should this little lover get his significant other?? What would Ben like?" She shouted out questions to no one in particular.
"Shhhhh!! Someone will hear!!!" He whisper shouted while keeping his head down.
"No one from school is here!! It's fine!!!" She shouted nonchalantly.

*But there was someone there. The most popular girl in school who has been after Michael since school started. She sat with her little group of friends on a bench by the water fountain.*

"Did you here that Becca??"
"Yes. I did." She said through her clenched teeth.
"I can't believe he's a disgusting homo!!" Another one of her minions shouted.
"We don't know that for sure yet!!" Rebecca shouted gritting her teeth. "We have to make sure before we do anything else!"


Lizzy was a mile ahead of him when she turned around. "Hurry up!!!!"
He sighed and sped his pace up.

*They literally went to every shop in the mall and still couldn't find anything. Lizzy pointed out many things and to all Michael said no. The same happened on the opposite end and they were both getting quite frustrated.*

"Ugghh!!!" She tussled her hair. "I'll never find anything!!!"
"You'll eventually find something special enough..." The last few words to leave his mouth sparked an idea inside him.
"The best gifts are the ones from the heart right??" She nodded at his statement.
"So why don't you just write down all your feelings straight from your heart and find an attractive way to present it!!!"
"That's brilliant!! Why didn't you think of it before we went to every store in the WHOLE mall!!" The emphasis on 'whole' made clear her emotion.
"Well I don't know!! I'm glad I thought of it though!! That's what I'm gonna do too..." The last line was slowed down do to his realization that he couldn't do that.
"That's a good idea!! You should tell him how you feel!!" She tried her best to encourage him.
"I can't. I'll just make him something else." He walked slowly in the other direction heading out of the mall.

*He tried not to look terribly miserable, but his mask couldn't fool everyone. He walked into his new favorite place and hung his jacket and hat on the coat hanger. He walked around the store glancing out the window before turning his attention to the flowers all around him. Mrs. Felto briskly walked to the register with cash in hand. Slightly startled by the slumped figure near the petunias, but once she studied him more closely she knew who it was.*

"Why hello stranger!!" She said walking up behind him.
He jumped a little and then bowed slightly. "I didn't hear you come up behind me.."
"Nor did I hear you come in!" She joked and headed to the back room once again.

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