Chapter Three

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Going toward my locker to get my math textbook and notebook that I use to jot the notes for the lesson for today and to doodle when I get bored. What I tolerate math when I understand what I'm doing but in the cases I don't understand I just draw and make it seem like I'm doing my work, yes I know I'm brilliant. Once getting to the class I see that I'm a bit early so I take up this opportunity to take a seat in the back by the window since I like to look outside while I daydream. Since I had no one to talk to I decide to work on some problems from today's lesson to get ahead and maybe take a nap in the class since I was rudely awaken by my alarm this morning, I'm still trying to figure out why I was trying to steal the gem and who I was running from.

Opening the textbook I flip to the lesson for today and begin the torture. I'm so focused on the equation that is killing my brain by not being easy enough for me to figure out that I didn't notice that people were already filling in and were waiting for the teacher. She's probably taking her time since she doesn't want to be around us children who aggravate all our teachers, so I think she is enjoying her alone time. But hey I don't blame her, if I was a teacher I would want to tear my hair out if I was around annoying kids too.

Mrs. Parker then entered the class and begins to tell us to open our books to the lesson for today and finish all of the first 20 problems and if we finished early to begin the next 20. Luckily for me I had already finished a bit over the first half so I'll just have to finish the rest assuming that the extra 20 are going to be due for homework tomorrow like always. While everyone started to begin the work I went back to trying to solve the bloody problem when I heard the door open once again and notice the it was Ace standing at the front of the class.

"Ah Ace nice of you to finally join us please take a seat and do the first 20 problems for today's required lesson."

Ace then turns and looks for a seat and I also start to scan the room for a seat to see where he will be sitting because I don't want him next to me after what happened today. But much to my despair the only seat that was available was the one next to me. Great... this is going to be fun. Please note my sarcasm. I quickly look back down and hopefully make it seem as if I was working on my problem the whole entire time and not looking around with him because in all honesty that is a bit weird. From the corner of my eye I see him sit down and look through his bag for something and to the best of my abilities I try to ignore whatever he is doing. Wait Ace is in my class? Yes smart one he is. Are you just noticing this now? Since when was he in this class? Great now I'm talking to myself again. But wait...

"Since the beginning of the school year sweetheart. Try to contain your excitement"

I freeze and look out the window and up to the ceiling and respond to the mysterious voice that answered my unasked question, "God? Is that you?"

Beside me I hear a low and husky laugh. I then turn to see Ace laughing at me. I'm not going to lie hot damn that was hot. I want to ask to laugh again so I can record it so I can just play it whenever I want. Is that a little to weird? But why is he laughing me? Is he even laughing at me? Lifting and eyebrow in confusion I ask, "Are you laughing at me or something else?"

"Well I'm pretty sure you're the only person in the class who questioned if god answered you. And to answer you question I'm not god. I did answer you question that you whispered. Talking to yourself again I see."

All I could do was stare at him for a while. "Wait what question did I whisper? I didn't even say anything out loud."

He laughs once again. "You really don't notice that you say something's aloud do you?"

I shake my head.

"You asked since when I've been in this class. I've been in this class since the beginning of the year sweetheart."

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