Chapter Two

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As we walk toward our English class we notice that almost everyone was looking down at their phone, but then suddenly look up to stare at me. Whoa why is everyone looking at me.. I think this is the first time in like the school year that people are looking at me and I have walked into this class lots of times. Not really knowing what to say I just walk towards my seat that is at the back of the classroom where no one can stare at me without having to turn around completely. Once I take my seat Anne turns to me and says, "Well it looks like people are finding out about your encounter with Ace"

I was going to answer her but people were still staring at me and I was beginning to feel really uncomfortable. Okay you may be confused as to why I feel uncomfortable, well the deal is that I am really shy. Even though you may not believe me because of what I did in front of Ace, but that was only because I was being sassy in my head so I thought and Ace was being rude for no given reason. I typically a really quiet with those people that I don't know and really really weird with those who I know and feel comfortable with. Does anyone ever feel that way too; like you're a totally different person with different humans that are around you. Well that's how it was when I was Ace at the time because of the situation that was occurring. Going to the people who can never mind their business problems, "Would you like to sit next to us to listen some more or are you going to turn around and stop being nosey arse people that have no business in what I do."

Stunned by my response it took them all a while to turn around and go back to whatever they were doing before I had walked in. Looking back at Anne smiling I replied, "I know right!! People these days can't keep anything to themselves without other people knowing about it and finding out somehow. It's like there are little elves watching our every move and telling the first person they find about the retarded things that a person does." 

"Haha..What are you talking about now Liz."

"You still coming up with these random theories aren't you," giggled Sammy.

"What in my defence they can be real and we just don't know about it." That being said I look around in case I found an elf spying on me. I can feel you judging me, it could be true.

"Right okay sure love. I sometimes worry about you." Anne said while patting me on the head.

I just smile wide showing my pearly whites. At this time the teacher finally walks into the classroom. Mr. Roland is tall slim man that is personally my favorite teacher because he makes class exciting with new projects when we start new units. Some of the students will say that Mr. Roland is a very good looking teacher; which I can't lie he is for a teacher.

"Alright everyone get to your seats and quiet down, and put away your phones this is the last time I will tell you all or else I will be confiscating it." Saying this while he was putting his briefcase on his desk. Oh I also forgot to tell you that he is a very strict teacher, but those are the best teachers in my opinion because they know that you can do better so they push you harder, but his class is always fun.

"We will be talking starting to read the novel All the Light We Can Not See. We will also be writing an essay and socratic seminar at the end. You will have a month to finish reading this book, which will be worth a lot of points in your grade so unless you want to fail my class then so be it." He said while picking up a box full of books and passing them out to each desk.

After he said this my eyes lit up and started to smile like a madman because I have read this book and fell in love with it since it was a beautiful story about a Boy and Girl that meet when their lives cross each other. And now I have an advantage when I'm writing the essay since I always take notes in the book to understand it better. Once Mr. Roland reaches my table he looks down and smiles at me and just keeps moving explaining the assignment, and moved on to the next person since he knows I already have read the book and have the novel at home. He was going on about how we are not only going to read the novel in class, but we are also going to have to read the novel at home as well. The briefing took the whole entire class period; since the teach likes to be very thorough. The bell rings indicating that the class is over. So I wait for most of the people to get out and my friends and I walk to our next class.

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