Another Quest

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A/N This is my first fanfic ever so please be nice in the comments! Please share with anyone you think would be interested in this fanfic because I am new and would love some followers! I will update daily but don't hold me to it. Also...
I don't own Percy Jackson or Harry Potter even though I wish I did...

Percy's POV
"Wake up Seaweed Brain!" A familiar voice called. Percy groaned, rolling on his back. "Percy!" He cracked one eye open to find his girlfriend Annabeth Chase standing over him, a look of amusement on her face. "Good Morning." He sat up, energized with her presence.
"Chiron wants us both at the Big House in 20 minutes." Percy groaned again sinking back down into his comfy bunk. "Why?" He protested. "Just get dressed. And maybe take a shower while your at it." She instructed, still smiling to herself. "What's so funny Wise Girl!?" He asked in a sleepy voice. "Oh nothing," she giggled. "You drool in your sleep!" And with that she swiftly left the cabin, Percy's cheeks a bit pinker than they had been before as he furiously wiped his mouth.

After Percy had gotten up, (it always amazed him how his bed seemed most inviting right when he had to leave it.) He pulled on a faded Camp Half Blood shirt and some slightly dirty shorts. Ignoring Annabeth's advice to take a shower, he swung open the door of his cabin and began to walk towards the Big House, hoping we wouldn't be too late.

It was a nice morning, campers strolled between the cabins, deadly weapons hung casually at their hips and satyrs dotted the strawberry fields, playing songs of summertime on reed pipes to the plants. Percy could see kids gliding across the lake in canoes, and multiple sword fights over in the arena. Several Apollo kids waved at him as he passed the basketball court, many of them much younger than him. Percy smiled, there were so many new demigods turning up this past summer. The camp needed them, after what happened last year with Gaea and all. Percy was so glad to be home, content to just soak up the sun and enjoy dating Annabeth. No quests, no life-endangering prophecies, and no monsters. At least for now.

Percy bounded up the steps onto the porch of the Big House, smiling as he remembered the first time he'd met Annabeth, he was lying on that deck chair over there. He recalled how that was also the time when his mother had been taken to the Underworld. She was now living in a nice New York apartment with her husband Paul Blofis, they were expecting a baby. Annabeth had gone uncharacteristically girly when Percy's stepfather had told them. Percy just grinned massively and engulfed Sally and Paul in excited hugs and congratulations. Percy pushed open the doors to the Big House and saw Annabeth already there, a look of disapproval in her eyes, scarily reminding him of her mother Athena. As well as Chiron, the activities director of Camp Half Blood and Immortal trainer of heroes. (In wheelchair form.)

"You're late." Annabeth smirked.
"Maybe you're just early." He grinned back as he gave her a quick peck on the lips and plopped down in the chair next to her at the meeting table.
"Hello you two." Chiron smiled as he sat in his magical wheelchair across from the pair of heroes. "I'm afraid I have a job for you."
"What kind of job? Gaea and Kronos aren't rising again are they they!?" Percy replied.
"No no Percy, that's all over now."
"Then what is it?" Annabeth questioned.
"What I'm about to tell you might come as a shock, but no more than finding out the Greek Gods are real." Then he told Percy and Annabeth all about the Wizarding World, Hecate's little race of people. He explained all about the war the year before caused by a dark wizard by the name of Voldemort and how he had been killed by a special teenage wizard called Harry Potter.

"Wow, that's really, really......weird." Percy said, his brain going crazy from an overload of information. Annabeth however, didn't look fazed, if anything, a little bored. "Annabeth how are you not freaking" out about this!" He asked. "Oh, Chiron already explained all this to me while we were waiting for you." She replied with a mock sharpness on the last words.
"Still, this is so cool! Wizards and witches and wands and broomsticks and, Oh my Gods Annabeth! SPELLS."
"I know!" She replied with a grin, "I can't wait to try Transfiguration and Charms."
"I wonder if there's some kind of combat magic..." Percy wondered a little dreamily.
"Wait, but why did you tell us this Chiron? What do we have to do? It sounds like all their problems have been solved by this Harry Potter." Annabeth asked, her eyebrows furrowed in a cute way. She really was smart, always asking the right questions. Beautiful too, he thought to himself, her long wavy blonde hair and those intelligent gray eyes...
"Percy." She said. "Why are you staring at me?"
"I was just thinking about how much I love you." Percy answered truthfully.
She smirked at him but he could tell she was pleased as she turned back to Chiron and looked at him expectantly.

Chiron chuckled at looked fondly at the teenagers who had become like his children over the years. "Well to answer your question Miss Chase recently Greek monsters have been turning up in the wizarding world and magic folk are unable to kill them with their spells. The Ministry of Magic has been covering up the the attacks well so far but nevertheless it is completely out of the ordinary for Greek monsters to bother them and soon questions will be asked."
"Ok, so what do we have to do?" Percy replied.

"You are to attend Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry as 7th Year Students. The credit will carry through to the University of New Rome so don't worry Annabeth. Your job will be to befriend and protect Harry Potter and his friends. An old friend of mine, the Headmistress of the school, fears that due to the war, the schools magical boundaries will be too weak to keep monsters out." Chiron explained.
"Ok cool, I'm totally in, this whole magic thing sounds fun!" Percy exclaimed happily. Making a huge effort not to burst out laughing at the name of the school.
"Wait but we aren't will we do magic?" Annabeth inquired.
"Ahhh yes," replied Chiron. Pulling out two long cardboard boxes. "These are you're wands, Hecate has blessed them so that you will have no problems with spells."
"Ok, I guess we accept the quest. When do we start?"

A/N If you like this then please vote, review and tell your friends about it! Thank you all for taking the time to read! Sally's blue cookies to all!! (::) (::) (::) (::) (::)
Xoxo - Mere

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