As you all know, February is just a heartbeat away!
ALL voting closes on the first of February. Midnight SAST time.
Now, I know that everyone is going to want to know when the results will be in and so forth.
I cannot answer that question.
The counting is going to take long, that much is very clear, and while I have a few people to help me with it, we still won't be done within a week.
Yes I didn't add 2 categories into the running. That's because I'm deciding who gets what in those categories. 40% of you wanted me to do so, so I am!
I'd like to have it out by the 20th of Feb, but time is always against us.
Please don't think that looking at the amount of inline comments is going to help you decide who is in the lead, all of them are incorrect.
The following will be removed:
• Nominees who withdrew from the awards.
• Disrespectful nominees who have had enough chances yet continue to bash other writers. (Seriously, it's disgusting and I won't allow you to be awarded for such behavior)
• Spam Accounts
• Votes that are over fifty per book. (No, the votes won't all be deleted, only the excess amount. Unless the account does this daily even after knowing about the limit yet still go over 50 votes per book per day.)
• Votes from deleted accounts. (I'm not stupid. Just cause you've deleted the spam account, doesn't mean that I will keep the votes.)
Things that will be fixed during voting:
• Updated book titles. (Please, if you have changed the title, right it down in this inline comment WITH your previous title)
• Updated Usernames. (Again, write it down here please WITH your previous username)
• Spelling Mistakes. I'm only human, it happens but I'll fix it.
I'd just like to thank everyone for participating in this event, there will be more to come for sure, just with better planning. (We all learn from the first time right? Hopefully so!)
I have got people helping me, but no names will be mentioned until vote counting is completed due to the fact that some authors are actually trying to bribe and manipulate the votes.
I've got three younger siblings dear, manipulation and bribing doesn't work on me.
I should by rights eliminate you, but I'm not, just don't do it again.
Thank you all for the birthday wishes, I had a lovely time celebrating with family!
Thank you to everyone that has offered help towards this awards, you're all highly appreciated and if I haven't gotten back to you, know that I will soon.
I am still in high school, so yes that is why I'm inactive on this account.
I'd also just like to reach out to anyone who is feeling down/depressed, or any sort. I feel for you, just know that.
You're all incredibly special to this world, no matter what people say.
We've all been through tough times and we've all been hurt but we don't have to stay hurt.
The younger generation is not a failure, don't listen to what people say.
Your skin color doesn't change who you are. I often get told I'm racist because I play and joke around with my younger adopted "Black" sister. She's my sister, I love her, she's beautiful, she African, just like me ( I'm born in South Africa, I'm raised here, therefore I am African, I don't have to be a certain color). It doesn't matter that I'm "white" and that she's "black" she could be purple and I could be blue and we'll still adore one another. Racism is disgusting and I hate it when people get accused of being racist when they aren't. Don't call some one that. Even if they are racist, why the hell would they care what someone says?
It's truly ew to me.
Same goes with religion. I'm Christian and I'm proudly Christian but no I'm not going to go to you and tell you that your beliefs is wrong. I'm not going to judge your beliefs. So don't do it to me.
I'm not going to force you into believing that there is God, so don't try and force me to believe in your beliefs.
Don't do it to one another. I have Muslim friends, I have atheist friends, I have friends who believe in all sorts of things that I don't.
But we're still friends and we still understand and love one another.
I really don't appreciate being messaged about my religion. You can't classify me as a judgmental Christian just because you believe that we're all the same.
I'd never do that to anyone. I respect your religions and your beliefs, respect mine.
I've seen authors bash one another because there's so many muslims in the awards.
They have every right to be included in this.
If you don't agree, you don't have to be part of this.
Seriously, we don't need such fighting all the time. Can't there just be peace between you fellow authors?
Anyway enough talking. (I won't carry on like this in the next awards, personal matters will be kept personal. I promise! XD)
I hope everyone has a lovely week/weekend further!
The Crystal Awards 2016 - CLOSED
De TodoCover by @Sweetishlove This awards is officially Closed - Please have a look at the 2017 book posted on the account. The title says it all! And we're here to help and support all genre, languages, and authors writing! We are looking for more undi...