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Chapter 1


"Shinji? Are you okay?" A blue haired woman peeked through the steel doors of a concrete room.

"Mother..." The boy, named Shinji, moaned painfully. "I can't sleep, my back hurts, everything hurts so much.."

"Oh it's your wound." The woman, coming to him closer, worriedly replied. "Your wound is bleeding again." She added. She crouched down and gently started applying a new set of dressing to it.

"There, feeling better?"

"Yes!" He answered and hugged her. "Do you think I'll still become a hero like granddad someday?" He snuggled. "Do you really think that my eye is a beautiful?

"Of course!" She ran her fingers through his dry velvet hair. "Your eye is far more beautiful and precious than any gems I've seen. And do you know what makes it prettier than any gems?"

"I don't know.."

"It's because it's alive."

Shinji smiled wholeheartedly.

"And no one can steal it away from you, it's yours alone. They can only gaze at it in jealousy."

He pulled back his head and looked at her, his bright red right eye slightly illuminating the dark room. She wiped a tear that slid down his cheek.

"Do you think I'll become a better hero than my sisters and brothers?" He asked.

"I believe even better than all of them." She smiled softly at him.

He laughed and smiled back.

"I can't wait to grow up! And save lots of people!"


It was seven in the morning and a soft knocking was heard on the door of Paul's room.

He squinted his eyes and pulled the covers over him.

He was having the same set of dreams again with the familiar blue-haired woman who kept on calling him Shinji. He knew fully well that it was a just dream but somehow he felt a deeper connection to it as if it was something that happened to him in some other way unknown to him – a lost memory.

"Just leave him alone Sister Cheryl, he may still be asleep." The voice on the other side of the door suggested.

"Don't you think it is better this way?"

"Sister Anna! How dare you talk something like that about one of our dear children!"


A few more knocks were heard before everything went still and quiet.

Paul was well aware of how big today was going to be. Today, Veilstone City Orphanage was celebrating its 15th Anniversary. For someone who was avoided by everyone in the orphanage, who caused nothing but fear and dismay, he decided to lock himself inside his own isolated room.

Paul has spent all his life living in the orphanage where Sister Cheryl, head Sister of the orphanage, had been taking care of him way before he even knew who he was. He only knew so little about his original family. One thing he knew was that his mother died giving birth to him seventeen years ago, and soon after his birth, all of his family members died. It was so odd that he found it unbelievable.

It was something that couldn't just happen.

He bitterly entertained the idea that he was something else, that he was something inhuman, something cursed. And it was something connected to his reoccurring dreams with the blue-haired woman with beautiful sapphire eyes, whom he kept on calling his mother.

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