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Chapter 12

"My mother used to work with you?" As if Zoey was shot by a tranquilizer, her rabid seizures suddenly stopped. "Stop lying! That can't be true!" She yelled.

"Now now shut up and just let me tell the story." Will stated. He telekinetically pinned Zoey down. "Just stay put child."

Zoey tried to get up but she was glued to the ground.

"Now where shall I begin?" Will began. "Oh I know. It all began during the fall of our kind, the last war, about more or less half a century ago." He smiled. He gently floated and sat on the air. He crossed his legs in front of her and started telling the story. "After the last war when the demon king perished, our kind returned to the Netherworld scared, like little lost sheperdless lambs. Now you would think what humans had that would make us lose the war right?" He asked.

Zoey grunted, still trying to push herself up.

"They had their champion, a powerful human with a holy ability. He single handedly defeated us. Squashed like insignificant bugs." Will grunted.

"But let's not dwell on that, this is about your mother after all." He followed. "We retreated back to Netherworld. No one continued ruling the Netherworld for a couple of years, allowing some devils to take advantage of others and creating chaos. Some devils even tried escaping to the human world to avoid the conflict and the struggle that we used to experience. That's how devastated we were by the last war."

Zoey stopped struggling. It was no use, she was helplessly pinned down. She tried to calm herself and just listen.

"Thankfully, before the emperor perished, he left us his four royal children. Though they were still young, the eldest and only daughter of the demon king took over. There was no other choice. At such a young age she was very capable. At that time I was just your age and had just started working in the council." Will cleared his throat and continued. "One day she gathered us all and announced each of us specific roles to try and regain peace and control over our beloved world. And that was when I met your mother for the first time." He grinned at her, edging him to continue.

"What are you smiling about?!" Zoey angrily shouted. "Continue!"

"We were scattered throughout regions with our own designated tasks. I was tasked to regulate the peace in Sinnoh Netherworld, apprehending and even killing stupid devils trying to take advantage of the other. I was trying to stop our kind from self-extinction." He breathed in deeply before continuing, he raised both his pointer and middle finger up. "Anyway, there are two reasons why devils escape to the human world. The guilty ones escape from my persecution. And foolish ones escape for love."

"Love?" Zoey echoed. "You mean devils falling in love with humans?"

"We hate humans and humans hate us. So it's only natural to try and kill each other. Unfortunately, falling in love with the other race is not impossible, it had happen a lot of times already. Even the last devil emperor had his share of this greatest act of sin." He continued. "Anyway, just because it can happen, it doesn't mean it should be tolerated. This is an unforgivable sin! These sinners deserve nothing but death!" He infuriated. "And that was the job of your mother."

"Your mother McMillan. Your mother was a murderer."

Zoey's breath got caught in her throat. She choked at the words Will threw at her.

"You're lying! That can't be true!" Zoey raged, trying to break free from his telekinesis again. "You're lying! My mother didn't hurt anyone! Stop lying!" She clamped her ears in attempt to block his words from her earshot. "Stop lying to me!" She cried out.

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