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"I have a story." Katy said and everyone turned her heads towards her and she started to speak. Katy had always been good at telling stories and not once had she failed to amuse her friends with her tales.

"Once, we went to our grandfather's farmhouse in the mountains. It was summer time and we were there for our vacations and the weather was pretty hot. It was a really big farmhouse and no one lived nearby. I went there for a few days with my parents and my cousin. Very few people to keep company and life was really boring.

It was almost night time and the sun was setting. Crows could be heard. My grandfather took my parents to show them the crops and to make them meet the very few people who lived nearby. I was left alone with my cousin in the farmhouse. She was a year or two older than me and we did not have much to do as we were not allowed to leave this house. We had nothing to do so she took out her laptop. We were watching some movies when there was a short circuit and the whole house became dark. The electricity had gone. We got a bit scared and continued watching the movies on our laptop.

It was really dark and silent and to be honest, I was scared out of my shit. My cousin needed to piss so she used her mobile's torch to go to the bathroom while I silently sat and watched movies. I was so lost in the movie that I did not pay attention to anything. A while later I heard her screaming, open the door ! Katy open the door ! It is not a joke, open up. 

I was really shocked. The door was locked from the outside. I had no idea who had locked it from the outside because we were the only ones at the house and she could not have locked the door by herself. I unlocked it and my cousin stepped outside, her face pale. I did not sleep last night as I was till curious about who was responsible to lock the door. There was literally no one at the house."

The girls carefully listened to her story and Eva got scared. She huddled up and everyone stared at her as she laughed. The story was true and it seemed weird listening to her speak so confidently.

"I am going to tell the next story." Bethany started. "Lets start from here." She said clearing her throat, " you know about that tree at the corner of our old school gate ?"

Everyone else nodded their head.

"Well, I have heard a lot of people saying that they have heard noises coming from that tree. Not any voices but weird noises that definitely do not belong to humans." Henley explained.

"Noises ?" Sia asked.

"That tree is like 400 years old and nobody even goes there or stands there." Sashaa explained.

"What kind of noises ?" Sia asked.

"Crying. The people of our school have heard crying sounds from there. It is said that ghosts and jinn live there." Bethany spoke in a spooky tone.

"Hah ! I don't believe this nonsense." Emma shook off looking in the other direction. Eva's thumb was in her mouth and Fizzy looked at her with keen interest. This story seemed unreal, Emma had never heard anything from there because she spends half of her time skipping classes under that tree.

"I have heard about it as well." Fizzy spoke up. Suddenly a loud thunder was heard and the girls gathered near the window and looked outside. It was hailing. Small white stone like drops fell. Emma amusingly opened the window and stretched her hand out and collected some. A pressurized and hard one soon as one fell on her hand, which caused a red line could be seen and blood flowed out of it.

"What the heck ?" She shrieked in pain. She weirdly looked at her hand in dismay and wiped the blood off from her other hand and bit her lip.

"It shouldn't hurt that bad." Liza spoke up and Emma looked up at her. Of course, it was just a frozen drop of water, it can not cause a cut or blood to flow out

"Keep your hand in." Bethany said and Emma obeyed. "Close the window as well." Everyone gathered back at their seats. The rain and hail could be heard as thunder roared in the dark sky. There was another awkward silence in the room again as the rain poured out from the window,

"Is it true that when we talk about jinn and ghosts, they hear us and come ?" Ashley asked.

"Yes. Yes it is true." Sashaa replied tapping her chin.

"They are probably listening to us right now but we can not see them." Sia replied.

"We should go out. I am getting really scared." Eva said standing up and hurriedly making out for the door. She reached out her hand and twisted the door knob. It did not open. She tried again and again but it seemed as if the door was locked. She started shaking the door. Eva looked towards the girls, her face had drained its colours and her lip was quivering.

"It is not opening." Eva cried which caught the attention of everyone. Everyone got up from their seats and started screaming. They tried to break the doors, slammed it, knocked at it fiercely but it was useless.

"We are locked." Ashley sighed sliding against the door and falling on the floor. Eva slightly sniffed and held her tear back. Everyone else was screaming in fear. But soon everyone took in the bitter truth and stood there in silence looking at each other with pale faces.

"But no one comes to this class and this part of the school. You can call this area....uhh....abandoned." Sashaa threw up her hands in the air. No matter how loud they screamed or shouted, no one will be able to hear a thing.

"Who locked us ?" Liza asked.

"I told you. They will come. The jinns, talking about them, was a wrong idea. Now they have captured us." Sashaa cried as she slid down the wall. They banged and knocked at the door but it was useless. There were a lot of sniffs and sobs being heard. They were afraid as they could not come out of the classroom. Eva leaned against the door giving up after her last knock on the door and started crying bitterly.

"Let me tell you a story. It will tell you why we are locked here." Bethany said and everyone gathered around her.

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