A couple years have gone by and everyone has been pretty good. Hope and Jake are back that the teenage love drama again 😒. Bre and Jacob are officially un-separated. Nique and Roc had a small private wedding on the beach and are happily together. Diggy decided his friendship with Roc meant too much to him to not forgive him. It makes things a little awkward sometimes with him being around but they get through it. Bahja and Princeton, as far as everyone knows are fine. Prod is still a loner I guess you could say but his relationship with his kids has gotten stronger.
Nique has gone back into the business, but as a manager for upcoming artist. She is still trying to be a good mom to her twins Starr and Chrestina. Roc's mom still don't like her.😒😂 You would think after they'd been married 5 years his mom would get used to it.
Bahja has also gone back into the music business and as a singer. She's sold two albums and her second one went platinum. She's currently about to go on tour and she can't wait. The only problem is Prince isn't too happy about her leaving him and the kids behind for 3 whole months. But Bahja's excuse is there's no way Princeton couldn't have expected her to be a house wife forever.
Bre has opened up her own dance studio in 3 different states. (Georgia, Alabama, and New York.) She calls it DollHouse Dance Academy. She also shares it with Sean. He's the co-choreo teacher. Bre is also still trying to have a child of her own, and her Jacob aren't giving up.
Hope ran into the kitchen with a big yellow envelope and huge smile on her face.
"Ma, where's dad?" She asked.
"He's upstairs" Bahja told her, staring at the envelope. She put it down on the kitchen counter and ran back up stairs. A couple minutes later she came back down with Princeton and grabbed the envelope and pulled out a letter.
"You'll never guess what this is!" She said.
"What is it?" Princeton and Bahja both asked.
"I got accepted to UCLA!" She screamed.
"What? OMG, HOPE SWEETIE CONGRATULATIONS! I have to go call grandma!" Said Bahja as she ran upstairs. Princeton gave Hope a tight hug and kissed her forehead.
"I'm so proud of you."
"Thank's dad. I wanted to know if we could tell everybody over dinner?"
"That's up to your mom. We can ask when she gets off the phone but that'll probably be a while."
They both laughed and went into the living room.
"Mommy look what I made!" Starr yelled shaking her paper in the air at Zonnique.
"That's pretty honey, you should show daddy." She said stirring the cooking pasta on the stove.
"Show daddy what?" Roc asked as he walked into the kitchen and placed a kiss on Nique's cheek.
"My picture daddy, look!" Starr said shaking the paper again. Roc picked her up and looked at the paper.
"Beautiful. But you know, it might make Chrestina's tummy feel better if you go show it to her upstairs." Roc suggested as he put Starr back down.
"Okay daddy!" Starr ran upstairs.
"What you cooking? I thought you had a show to do tonight." Roc said as he sat down on the kitchen island counter.
"I do. This is for you guys. I was trying to make spaghetti but I can't find the tomato sauce..." Nique said opening and closing all the cabinets.
"We can order pizza, you should go get some rest." Roc suggested.
"You sure?" Nique asked
"Yeah.I got this kids for now."
"Thanks baby." Zonnique walked upstairs to their bedroom.
Bre walked into the house and put all her bags down by the door.
"Jacob?" Bre called and walked further into living room. Jacob came jogging down the stairs and gave Bre a peck on the lips.
"What happened at the doctor?" Jacob asked. Breaunna smiled.
"I'm 3 wee
I just got off the phone and Prince told me he's on his way home and he'll be here in a few. I took a quick hot shower and pulled out my new Victoria's Secret set I bought a couple days ago. I put it on and quickly curled my hair. I sprayed on some perfume and put on my white bedroom robe. I sat on the bed and patiently waited for Prince to walk in. If nothing else would convince him to let me do this tour, this definitely would. A couple minutes later in walked Prince.
Bahja: Hey baby.
Prince: Hey what's all this? *tries to move the robe*
Bahja: No no no, not yet. You go take a shower and relax for a little bit. Then you can see what I have under the robe.
Prince: Just a peek?
Bahja: Nope.
Prince: *sighs and goes to the bathroom*
While Princeton took his shower I lit a whole bunch of candles around the room. I turned off the lights, texted my mom and told her to tell the kids good night. After that I turned off my phone and Prince's and put them away.
Princeton: *walks out* What is all this babe? Wait I didn't forget a anniversary or nothing did I?
Bahja: *giggles* no. Now just lay down. *pushes him on the bed* and relax. Mmkay?
Prince: *gets comfortable*
I gave him a nice long wet kiss on the mouth before and pulling away and rubbing on his abs. I then, slowly pecked all eight of them before untying the strings on the sweatpants. I kissed his waistline and pushed down his pants..I think you can figure out the rest for yourself. 😋😼👫🍆🐱💦
Nique: Ok, I got my purse, my wallet, what am I forgetting?
Roc: Well unless you're staying somewhere else for the night you might want your keys. *dangles them in front of her*
Nique: *rolls her eyes and takes them* Thank you.
Chrestina: Mama you go bye-bye?
Nique: Yes ti-ti but I promise you I'll be back when you wake up to fix you your favorite oatmeal.
Titi: Okay.
Starr: What about da stowy?
Nique: Daddy can still read your bed time story.
Starr: Okay.
Nique: *kisses both of their cheeks* I'll see you guys in morning ok?
Twins: *nod*
Roc: *pecks Niques lips*
Starr: *covers her eyes*
Titi: Ew.
Nique: *chuckles* Bye baby.
Roc: Have fun. Tell the girls I said I good luck.
Nique: Ok. Bye girls!
Twins: Bye mommy!
Nique: *leaves*
Roc: Come on girls it's bed time.
Starr: I want more pizza.
Roc: *picks them both up* You can have more pizza in your dreams.
Titi: Aww.
Roc: *takes them upstairs* Bath time. Come on.
Starr: No mommy do it.
Roc: Well daddy gotta do it tonight.
Titi: Me first!
Starr: No I go first! You always first!
Roc: *shakes his head*

BPLS: The Finale
FanfictionBahja, Bre, and Zonnique have been through it all together. Kidnappings, murders, you name it, they've been through it. They've been so close for as long as they can remember. There's so many memories they share. But there are also still so many sec...