Zonnique and Bre's birthday passed. Everyone went home, but they all enjoyed their time. Bahja got Prince and Prod talking to each other again. Bre, she set up her and Jacobs counseling appointments and is ready to fix her marriage. Zonnique on the other hand...her marriage isn't doing so well.
Nique: So what, now I can't have friends?!
Roc: You can be friends with whoever the fuck you want! Just not him!!
Nique: OH MY GOSH, WHY? What's so wrong with being friends with him?
Roc: Because he's your ex!!! So you're saying that if one of my ex's came over and we hung out, you wouldn't mind.
Nique: No!
Roc: That's bullshit! Zonnique, I know you! You would flip the fuck out if I brought one of my ex's in here! Look, I'm not having this argument with you, YOU'RE NOT GOING.
Nique: You can't tell me what to do!!
Roc: You know what Nique, fine! You wanna go? Get the fuck out and go! Don't come home crying to me when he fucks you over. It's obvious my say as your husband means nothing to you. *walks out*
Nique: *follows him* Where the hell are you going?!
Roc: To pick up our kids, you know, the ones you wanna leave for that piece of shit!
Niques POV
I watched him get in the car, and speed off into the main road. I was so pissed at how he acted. What's the big deal?! It's not a date, it's just 2 old friends catching up. I sat on the front steps and called Zoey.
Zoey: Hello?
Nique: *sniffles* Zoey..I gotta cancel for tomorrow. I'm busy.
Zoey: Zo, you good? Why you crying?
Nique: No, I'm fine.
Zoey: Nah. I'm gonna be over there in a bit, bye.
Nique: No, Zoey it's ok!
And the phone disconnected. I sighed and decided I guess I'd just wait for him out here. After playing on my phone for about 15 minutes, his car finally pulled up. He got out the car, and I must say he looked really good.
After about 20 minutes of talking outside Roc pulled up. I got up and tried to walk over to the car. He completely ignored me, carrying the sleeping twins into the house. I asked Zoey to stay because I wanted us to talk together. Roc walked back house but when I tried to talk he got back into the car.
Nique: Roc, can we talk? Please?
Roc: Zonnique..I'm trying really hard not to curse your ass out right now. You have some nerve bringing ol boy to our house. Really Nique? Our house? You fucking kidding me right?
Nique: Look I'm sorry, ok? But I really need to talk to you.
Roc: Go talk to ol boy over there.
And just like that he sped off out the driveway. Zoey came up behind me, seeing if I was ok. I started crying and he hugged me.
Nique: I don't know what to do.
Zoey: Well he has every right to be mad..and I think he's right. Maybe we shouldn't see each other anymore.
Nique: Why? We haven't done anything, and it's not like we're having an affair or something. He's just being an asshole about everything.
Zoey: Look, if I came home to my girl all hugged up with her ex I'd be pretty pissed off too. I just don't think this is doing you any good.

BPLS: The Finale
FanficBahja, Bre, and Zonnique have been through it all together. Kidnappings, murders, you name it, they've been through it. They've been so close for as long as they can remember. There's so many memories they share. But there are also still so many sec...