5. Finding Acey

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Davis groaned as he rolled off the bed. It was Friday and he was exhausted.

"Come on, come on," Julia swirls around him. "Let's go, you promise Kristin you would visit her and you fail her. So let's go, you have to make it up. You can't sleep all day." It was the afternoon. He had barely gotten back from school. "Hurry up!"

He missed his appointment with Kirsten. He just had a lot on his mind. And now he has to make it up to her. He got up and slipped his shoes on.

He walked to the hospital, which wasn't far. They made it just in time. Visiting hours would be over soon. He asked the front desk for Kristin. They ask if he was family. But he told them he was a friend and she was expecting him. They let him up.

They stop by the door seeing a man comfort Kristin.

"Who's that?" A man sat close to Kristin. Kristin was crying.

"Sweetie it will be okay," the man said. "We can't give up hope. You will be able to get out of this hospital and be a normal girl. We won't give up."

"But it's been so long," Kristin sobbed. "I'm not going to make it. Just like mom said."

"Did your mother visit you?" The man seemed upset about it. "Is this why I was called? She came here didn't she?" Kristin nodded. "Damn, that woman. I'm getting a restraining order on her. She can't be doing this to you. I won't let her."

"She blames me for your divorce," Kristin cried. "Am I taking the blame? Even my father blames me for their divorce because I was always sick and the bills kept piling up."

"It's not your fault," the man held her. "I'm your stepfather, I had a daughter, like you. But much younger. Her heart gave out. And we couldn't save her on time. Her mother committed suicide. And I was left alone. But then I met your mother and you. And when I found out about your condition, I knew I had to save you. I was given a second chance to be a father. And of course, the marriage didn't last. But I manage to get custody of you because I knew your mother wouldn't take care of you. And I will take care of you, for as long as I can. As for your prick of a father, he's an idiot."

"Thank you," Kristin sobbed. "You are the best dad I ever had."

Davis decided to interrupt. He knocked. "Hello?"

They looked at him. "Who's this?" Her father asked.

"Davis," Kristin smiled. "I met him a day ago."

"Hi, sorry to interrupt," he walked in holding a teddy and some flowers. "I came to apologize for not coming yesterday, I just had a lot on my mind and, a lot of homework. Forgive me. Here I brought​ you this."

Kristin smiled. "Thank you, and it's alright."

"Ahem," her father waited for an introduction.

"Right, father, this is Davis," Kristin grabbed the flowers. "And Davis, this is my father. Well, my stepfather, but he's like my real dad."

"Nice to meet you, sir," Davis shook his hand.

"My name is Kevin," he smiles.

"I'm sorry, I overheard your conversation," Davis looked down.

"Tell them!" Julia screamed at him. "Go ahead."

How can he just tell them?

"Um," Davis sat down. "The person that I came to visit. She's been in a coma for 16 years."

"Oh how sad," Kristin said.

"Yes, but the thing is," Davis sighs. "She's brain-dead and her parents don't want to let her go."

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