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The clock on my phone read 4 am, Luke woke me an hour ago because I was supposed to woken up every two hours but I couldn't fall back asleep, my mind was racing. Luke was passed out on the couch next to me, his phone kept vibrating on the coffee table and it was taking all of my strength not to throw it out of the window. I knew exactly who it was, I wasn't stupid I knew he didn't tell her he wasn't coming home tonight. I pick it up and see the messages come through.

Lucy 💕: Luke where are you?

Are you with her again? You promised me you wouldn't go see her.

You're destroying our relationship by doing this Luke.

Were getting married soon and you're spending the night with some girl you had a stupid fling with.

I can't do this Luke.

Call me when you wake up, we need to talk.

So she knew he was here with me? That means he still talks about me, even with his fiance. I hear Luke moving around on the couch so I put his phone back down. "Sorry, I didn't mean to fall asleep on you Em." I nod and turn on the TV then I grab my phone and click on twitter, I see all of my friends are out partying and having a good time, and Kelly was posting depressing shit as usual.
Luke picks up his phone, I watch him read his texts from the corner of my eye. He looks stressed as he scrolls through them "Fiance?" I ask and he nods "She's worried I've died or something." He awkwardly laughs and sets his phone down without replying to her.

"So what would you like to do?" He asks and I shrug "Eat, I guess but I don't feel like cooking." He smiles brightly grabbing his keys off of the coffee table "Go get cute and meet me out here, k?" I give him a weird look but listen anyway, I walk to my room and straighten my hair as quickly as possible, I put on my best yoga pants and a belly shirt to show off my recently pierced belly button but I made sure it was long enough not to show my stab wound. I put on mascara and a dark red lipstick along with my  sandals and walk out to the living room in less than ten minutes. "Ready." I say to Luke who turns around, I see him scan me up and down with a slight smirk "I said get cute, not sexy." I begin to smile but quickly stop as I realize he's about to me a married man and probably shouldn't be making remarks to his ex like that. "This isn't even anything, let's just go okay?"


Why don't you love me plays from Luke's phone as we pull up to McDonalds, it was awkward because it was the perfect song from the situation that we are in right now. Finally he shuts it off along with the car and we get out "You made me get pretty for McDonalds, really?" He shrugs "I wouldn't want to bring you somewhere this classy looking like the mess you are." He says with a smile as we walk in, it was 5am now so there wasn't really anyone here, that's why I didn't understand that this place was open 24/7.
"Hi, I'd like to order two twenty piece chicken nuggets large, two Dr peppers, two chocolate milkshakes, and two large fries." Luke says, my stomach did a flip when he spoke because he actually still remembered what I always order.

Filler sorry but lemily is getting close again *wink wink* let's hope it lasts

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