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Millionares by The Script

Singing our hearts out, standing on chairs. Spending our time like we are millionares. Laughing our heads off the two of us there, spending or time like we are millionares...

Madelyn's POV

El and Dani arrive today. They said they should be in around 1 so I am picking them up at my lunch. It's Friday.

"BOO." I feel two hands on my shoulders and I turn around to see a smiling Josh.

"Heyo Peaches!" I say. His mom used to call him that so I call him that.

"Hey Madeline, what re you doing tonight?" he asks me.

"Uh two of my friends re coming to town from England." I say as we walk across campus.

"Oh well I would love to meet them if they want to meet me. I can even act Brittish." He says in a Brittish accent and I giggle.

"Yeah I'm sure they would love to meet you but not like that." I say and he elbows me softly.

"Hey." he says and I smile. We have one more period till lunch. We enter the room and sit down in our spots. I sit behind Josh next to this kid named Ben. We don't like each other at all.

"Hello class! I do believe you are to keep working on your projects. Find your parter." Mr. Murphy says and Josh turns around to face me.

"Heh parter." he says and I smile as I come and sit in the seat next to him.

"So how's Mr. Superstar treating you?" Josh asks as I get the bio project.

"Just fine thanks for asking. Why don't you have a girlfriend?" I ask him. I start to write some paragraph for the project as Josh writes some too.

"Actually I do." I turn to face him.

"Since when?" I ask him.

"Since this morning. My girlfriend is Lauren." he says. Lauren is one of my friends. She is gorgeous. She always has been.

"Are you serious?" I say with a smile.

"Yup! Even ask her. You know how I've had a crush on her since like 6th grade? Yeah it turns put she likes me too so I asked her to be my girlfriends and she grinned and agreed. I plan on kissing her on our date tomorrow." He whispers and I grin. Yay Josh.

"That's great! I knew she liked you I just didn't say anything cause that would be mean." I say and he smiles. We work a little longer till the bell rings.

"I have to go get my friends, wanna come? Evie is coming." I ask Josh an he shake his head.

"I have to practice for the basketball game today, you girls coming?" he asks me and I nod.

"Wouldn't miss it. See you later." I say and go out to the front of the school. I see Evie waiting for me and I run past her and grab her hand then run to my car.

"Hey!" she says as she gets in my car.

"So we are gonna pick up the girls, take them to my place, then come back for lunch." I say and she nods as I start to drive and put on my new Little Mix cd.

"I am so excited!" Evie says and I smile. I haven't seem El since Christmas. Then I think of my dad. I haven't seen him since the summer. I don't really miss him. He broke me. Evie interrupts my thoughts.

"Hey when do we get to meet Perrie?" she asks and I shrug a I sing along to Move.

"Ask Malik." I say and we arrive at the airport. We park and jump out of the car. I walk in and see El and Dani sitting in the waiting area. I catch her eye and she jumps up as I run over to her. I hug her tight.

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