Chapter 5

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Maisie, my little sister, looked at my phone.

"Who's texting you?" She asked. Maisie sat across the living room on our dad's recliner. I sat on the sectional couch which ate up majority of the living room.

"I dunno," I said, I pulled out my phone. I had forgotten to read the text, so my phone decided it needed to remind me. I gulped when I saw that cursed number. It was the same number as before.

"Is it a giiiirl?" Asked Maisie. She picked up the remote control and flipped through the channels.

"I don't know," I stated. The text read.


I decided not to answer. They weren't threatening me or anything.

For awhile Maisie and I sat there, watching mindless television. Maisie had insisted on watching this stupid show about rats having a band. Children's television always bored me.

My phone interrupted the show.

"Briiiing, briiiing,briiiing," it cried

Maisie looked at me.

"Are you going to get that?" She asked with a snotty tone.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket, it was the same number as before. I bit my tongue, then declined the call. Not two seconds after I declined the call, I received another text.

"Answer me."

While the text was more urgent than the first, it didn't seem too urgent. I put my phone back into my pocket and continued watching the show.

"Briiiing, bri-" Began the taunting cries of my phone.

Maisie glared at me.

"Just answer it idiot," She said.

I rolled my eyes but accepted the call anyways.

"What. Do. You. Want?" I asked through gritted teeth.

"We need to set a date," The mysterious texter said. Her voice was feminine, which shocked me. Before, I had thought they were a boy.

"What type of date?" I asked. Maisie looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

"I'm meaning we need to set a due date," She said.

"A due date?" I asked. Maisie frowned, then returned back to the television.

"I need Ms. Pigvin to be dead soon," She stated.

"Why would you call to set a date if you already had one?" I asked. I got up and went into the kitchen.

"Because," She said, there was a brief moment of silence, "I need Pigvin dead by Monday."

My jaw dropped open.

"You do realize today is Friday right?" I asked, "I can't do that."

She laughed into my ear.

"You better do it," She said, "Otherwise the picture might grow legs."

I gulped. There was no way out of this. My plan from before wouldn't work, as there was not enough time to figure out who I was talking to.

"Does it have to be Monday?" I asked, "Could I do it by wednesday?" While Wednesday would be pushing it too, I would have more time.

"Nope, so are you still going to do it?" She asked.

I took a large breath.

"Yes," I said. I hung up the phone and went to the fridge. I filled a glass with ice, then water. I sat down in my chair and thought of the mess I had gotten myself into. I suppose it was time to put a plan of action together, as no matter what, I was going to have to kill Ms. Pigvin. But the question now, was how.

A/N: Thanks for reading! Feel free to comment! I love hearing y'all's opinions :)

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