Chapter 15

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A clatter arose outside my window. It started out as small tapping sounds, next thing I knew, a rock was flung at the window. Scott leapt up in terror and fled my room. I stood up, and grabbed the pocket knife off of my night stand.

The tapping continued. I tiptoed across the room and to the window.

"Hi Dillon!" Sarah exclaimed. She waved intensely. Beside her sat Anna.

"What the hell!" I exclaimed. It's not everyday you see two girls sitting on your roof.

"Mind letting us in for a chat?" She asked with a small giggle.

I clenched the pocket knife in my fist and threw open the window. The two girls crawled inside. I threw my hands in the air.

"What the hell are you doing at my house?!" I asked them. I brought my hands down in front of me and wrung them out.

Anna and Sarah exchanged nervous glances. Sarah then pulled out a crumpled piece of paper.

"This if for you," She said, she looked at Anna, then added, "It's from a friend."

I stared at them both. None of us said a word. I smoothed out the piece of paper and read it. My eyes scanned the paper.

It was a letter, from the texter. It was discussing the future due date for Jennifer Polken. The letter mentioned how she was surprised how quickly I had taken care of the job. I gulped when I read the future due date. Tomorrow. Who did this bitch think she was?! I let out a furious groan, and slammed my head into the wall.

The staircase creaked, the tired floorboards letting out exhausted sighs. Someone was coming to my room. I prayed it was Risa.

The door to my room flung open. It was not Risa, but it wasn't my mother either, nor was it Maisie. It was Michael.

"Woah, are Sarah and Anna joining us to look at the body?" He asked. Anna's eyes grew wide. I wondered what her deal was. She looked to Sarah. Anna was a volcano ready to erupt. She clenched her fists digging her long nails into her palms.

"YOU TOLD HIM?!" She shouted. Anna was pissed. I had never seen her mad. She lunged at me.

I stared at Sarah, expecting her to fill me in. Michael stared at me.

"What the hell?" I asked. Anna shoved me against the wall. The frame of my Stephen King's IT poster jammed into my back. She whispered into my ear while Michael and Sarah stared at each other.

"Michael," Sarah began. She grabbed him by the wrist and drug him out of the room. Leaving me and Anna alone. I went against my morals and shoved Anna back. She lost her balance and fell to the floor. I hovered over her like a God.

It dawned on me. Anna had been the one to make the request.

A Loud Thud and a Splash of Blood [Wattys 2017]Where stories live. Discover now