Final Boss: Dark Purple Arfoire

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We returned to Uzume's home base and were relieved that Arfoire didn't follow us. Uzume had been hurt pretty bad, so we put her in bed. Nepgear was out with Neptune gathering ingredients for Uzume's wounds, leaving with me with Umio to watch the camp. Neptune forgot her specimen book with Croire still inside, so I decided to watch her as well to make sure she doesn't try to escape. "Hey, when is Neptune gonna get back? I want to get out of here so freaking bad." She complained. "If you're concerned, why did you just ditch her here?" I asked. "Like I said kid. I record worlds history. I saw that giant thing and I got a little carried away." She defended. I sighed and just decided to ignore her complaints. Nepgear and Neptune came back as soon as they got the ingredients. Umio pitched in to help make the medicine while Neptune and Croire went to watch for Arfoire. In the meantime, I decided to train on another tree. I wonder how big sis is doing over in Hyper Dimension. Hopefully trying to find a way to get us home. Nepgear called about a few minutes later and told me to help apply the medicine. After another ten minutes of treating Uzume, we all went out to get some food. Except Uzume herself. She was to stay bedridden until the ointment took effect. Time passed and Neptune and Croire came back. They said Arfoire was still getting used to her new body, and that she was tripping over practically everything. This gave us some time to prepare a plan. "A plan? And you want me to make it?" I asked. Nepgear, Umio, and Neptune nodded at the same time. "Okay. Just give me some time." I said and left for the barrel baths. I think better while in the bath. It helps relax. "Hey, Brosy. Mind if I join you?" I heard Uzume as she came up to one of the barrels in nothing but a towel. I didn't freak out like most anime or game protagonists do. "Sure, I don't mind." I agreed. "What? You ain't gonna freak out that I'm in nothing but a towel?" She teased. I only shrugged and dipped lower into water. "Aren't you the least bit embarrassed?" She asked. "A little bit." I mumbled. She laughed. To be honest, this was my first time seeing a naked girl while I'm also in the nude. "How are your injuries?" I questioned. "Good as new. Hey, thanks Brosy. For everything." She said. I looked quizzically at her. "Who are you, and what have you done to Uzume?" I laughed. "It's not like you to get all formal and sentimental." I added. "Hey, I'm completely fine! It's just... this might be the last time I get to fight along side you guys. You know what I mean." She said to me. "Yeah, I get it. I would be lying if I said I was looking forward to leaving. You and Umio are part of the family now. To me, at least." I smiled. Nepgear and Neptune came up to join the baths too. "Hey guys!" Neptune called. I look in their direction and see that Umio isn't with them. "Where's Umio?" I asked. "He's asleep." Nepgear replied. I nodded as they get into their own barrels. "Don't look this way. I'm just about done." I said and stood up. I left the bath area and constructed my plan. The next morning we all went over the plan one last time, so we don't screw things up. "Okay. So listen and listen good. Me, Neptune, and Nepgear will be waiting in Uzume's hideout while Uzume will wait for giant Arfoire in the city. With small moving space, we should have the advantage. That is when we attack, and Uzume sets up her Sharing Field. Even if it is Arfoire, it's still the giant we fought before. If Umio were here, we'd have him be backup, but this will have to do." I instructed. "Well, he already is backup." I thought to myself. I remembered I asked Umio to gather the Dogoos and Baby Bugs just in case things get rough, we can gather their Shares thanks to Uzume's power. "Okay! Are we set?!" I asked. "Yeah!" They all cheered and raised their fists. "Good! Let's get moving! Allons-y!" I called and we left the camp. We waited and waited, until finally, we felt the ground quake beneath us. "C'mon." I whispered. We went out to see giant Arfoire and Uzume standing in front of each other. "Transform!" Uzume called and became Orange Heart. "Sharing Field, activate!" She shouted in her high girly voice. We were ready to attack when the field suddenly shattered. "Huh?" Uzume looked around to see the regular scenery. "What happened?!" I asked as we all ran up to her. "It didn't work!" Uzume was as confused as we were. "HAHAHA!! I USED MY NEGATIVE ENERGY TO SHATTER YOUR LITTLE PLAYGROUND! NOW, DIE!" Arfoire laughed and punched down at the ground, trying to smash us. "Try again!" I yelled. "Sharing Field, activate!" Uzume called again, but we only received the same result. "NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO, YOU'RE DOOMED!!" Arfoire laughed more, ridiculing us as we struggled. "This isn't fair! At least give us a fighting chance!" I shouted. "I DID. PLENTY OF TIMES! AND ALL YOU DID WAS BEAT ME DOWN WHILE I WAS STILL TALKING!!" Her voice boomed again. "You're still mad about that!?!?" I complained. "Nanu, please do not fret." I heard a voice. "Nanu! Over here!" Nepgear called. I ran over and took cover. "Histoire contacted us." Nepgear whispered. "We have set up a machine that can send Shares over to your location. Please, wait until then." Histoire instructed. I nodded. Out of nowhere, we felt a huge power boost. "Uzume! Try now!" I called to her. "Okay!" Uzume replied. "Sharing Field, activate!" She called. At first, it was working. But the same result came back to haunt us. "Why?! Why isn't this working?!" She whined frustrated, while cutely stomping her feet on the ground. "This isn't looking good. Will Arfoire actually win this time?! I can't allow that!" I thought in my head. Suddenly, I felt another power boost. Bigger than the boost Histoire gave us. I look outside and see Umio, floating there with a legion of Baby Bugs and Dogoos. And they were everywhere. On the streets, on the rooftops, even in the buildings. "I gathered all the monsters that we saved, just like you asked, Nanu." He said. I gave the thumbs up and shouted to Uzume. "Uzume! This time, for sure! Try it now!" I yelled. She nodded. "Sharing Field, ACTIVATE!!" She screamed and this time, it didn't shatter. The field was up and we were ready to go. "Ta-da!! The main protagonist is here to save the day!" Neptune said as she ran up to us. "Nepsy?! How are you here?" Uzume asked. "Plot convenience. Actually, Histy hooked up our Share transporter to Zero Dimension to match Uzume's Sharing Field. So as long as this is up, I can stay for the final battle. But when it vanishes, we go back to Hyper Dimension. So there's a down side." Big sis explained. "Woah. So you're Nanu and Nepgear's big sister. To be honest, I was expecting a little more." Neptune said. "Woah!! You're, like, me! That is so cool." Big sis commented, completely ignoring Neptune's diss just now. "Okay. No more wasting time. Let's power up!" I called and started my transformation, as did Nepgear and big sis Neptune. When my transformation was finished, I couldn't quite see out of my right eye. I could see, but not too well. "Woah. Nanu? Is that you?" Big sis asked after her transformation. "What? Do I look different?" I asked. Everyone around nodded. "Give me a description." I said. "ARE YOU IGNORING ME?!" Arfoire asked angrily. "Never mind. Tell me later. First, this bitch needs to go down." I sighed and turned around. The final battle has started. Arfoire must have gotten used to her new body, because she kept throwing punch, after smash, after slam. For some reason, my weapon changed. Instead of my two swords, I was wielding a large scythe. But it felt so natural, and my body seemed to move on its own. "Look out, big sis!" I called as Arfoire was about to smash her fist into the ground. She immediately took flight and flew to my side. "Thank you for the warning, Nanu. I appreciate it." She praised me. "Your words are most kind, but right now we need to focus. Let's try a combo move." I suggested. Big sis nodded and we both flew in for an attack. Big sis got the first attack and flew into her, slashing her way through. "Catch!" I called and threw my scythe to follow her path. The weapon ran through her and big sis caught it. "Back to you!" She called back and threw down, cutting across Arfoire's body. I dipped down and caught it again and this time, we both flew through her, our positions swapped. "Next wave!" I called "Prends ça!" I shouted and stabbed her. Big sis did the same from her position and we ran our weapons up and down her body. And lastly, like every big special finisher, there had to be an explosion. This finished Arfoire and ended the battle. We came back to the platforms and high fived each other. "A flawless victory, non?" I asked and everyone agreed. "Well, I guess this is goodbye." Uzume said as she reverted back to normal. "Yeah. I'm gonna miss you." Big sis said as they embraced each other. Uzume turned to us. "Come here and give me a hug Gearsy, Brosy." She said. I smiled and hugged her after Nepgear. I didn't forget to give Neptune a hug too. "I'm not much of a hugger, but, it's the least I can do for everything you've done for us." I said to her. "Yeah. It was fun having two younger siblings." She said and looked as if she was about to cry. "Well, you two. Time to go. Histy's waiting for us." Big sis said. Me and Nepgear nodded and waved goodbye to Uzume, Neptune, and Umio.

Author's Note!

I know what you are thinking. This story was shit compared to other fics you might find. But hey, go easy on me. I'm only an amateur at writing. I know Nepbro's name change was sudden, but it didn't sound as appealing now as it did in my head. And the French in Nanu's dialogue is proof that his memory is coming back. As for this series, I do plan to make more. Even if no one wants to read it, I'll continue to make more content for others who might want to read it. The next part of the story will focus on Gold Third and AffimaX, so look forward to it. I was planning to have Nanu play through the Planeptune story with Neptune, but I then decided to go with the Lastation story because it seems more interesting and we need to give more showtime to Noire and Uni and less showtime to Neptune. So yeah, those are my future plans for this series. I will make it a completely different story, so this one will be considered completed. I will publish the first part as soon as I finish this part and the second part of that arc.

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