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  That was the day. The worst day to be precise. It was the day Wandy had to commit suicide to protect her family. She stood at the entrance of her crashing TARDIS and stared down at the city beneath her. She sighed and closed her eyes, and then she was unconscious. Anderson was standing about a mile away when he heard the loud crash of metal against concrete, flesh against both. He decided to call Lestraude.


"Lestraude! I think someone and a...police box...fell out of the sky!"

"Anderson, are you on drugs?"

"No! Come!! NOW!!"

"Fine, I'll be over soon with Sherlock."

"Oh, don't bring HIM!"

"Fine." Then Lestraude hung up. Andy decided to check it out himself. So he walked to the crash and there  was Wandy. Underneath her TARDIS, "dead". Andy looked down at her and frowned. "Crazy people." he muttered under his breath and attempted to lift the police box(TARDIS) off of her.


Well, that's the end of chapter one! I do not own Sherlock, BBC, Doctor Who or Phillip Anderson. I only own my OC Wandy(The Wanderer) and this storyline. (Me and my friend Richard had a Wanderson RP on'm @TheVortec and he's @ThatOneAnderson.)

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