Chapter 10: Reunited

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They were waiting.

Roy, Jade, Artemis, Wally, Mia, and the kids had been waiting ever since he and Ollie had left for Swanann City. When Ollie had had him leave, Royce had joined in the waiting.

They all had been waiting at Mia's place, hovering for that phone call, checking phones every half minute.

It had been three days now.

The tension was bad enough that when it did, they all jumped.

It was Royce's phone that rang.

"Answer it!" cried Roy.

The other five people in the room waited anxiously as Royce picked up the phone and hit accept call.


"Hey, Royce."

"Did you find her?"

It came out as a whisper, and he cursed himself for sounding so pathetic, asking that question, in that tone. But they were all thinking it. Roy was going to leave marks in the table, the way he was gripping the edge. Artemis had frozen as soon as the phone rang. Royce was surprised that Wally wasn't running circles. Mia was staring at his phone. Even Jade was anxious, despite her attempted look of detachment.

"Yeah, I did." He could hear the smile in Ollie's voice. That had to be a good sign, Ollie wouldn't sound like that if she was gone.

"Are you still in Star City?" As if Roy could have gone anywhere else with these people insisting that they all had to be here when Ollie got back.


"Good. Meet up at the house? I just need to call your siblings..."

"No need. They're here with me right now."

*****************Oliver's P.O.V.*****************

The parade of cars came up the drive. Mia's red one followed by Roy's, followed by the green one that was presumably Artemis's.

He and Dinah waited as the cars parked and their kids came to the door.

Royce, who was in front, didn't even bother to knock.

Oliver felt Dinah stiffen beside him as they came in the door. Was she ready for this? Was he ready for this?

They all stood in a group, still in the entryway. Oliver could see Lian and Cynthia looking out from behind their respective parents.


It came from either Roy or Royce, as their voices were nearly indistinguishable from the other. But neither were prone to calling Dinah 'mom'...

Roy and Royce both pushed to the front; it may have been that both of them had spoken.

"Roy." It was unclear which man she meant. Everyone stared in silence, Oliver and Dinah on one side of the room, the rest of the family facing on the opposite side.

"How could you have left us? HOW?" Royce demanded.

Dinah flinched, and started to reply when a new voice drifted in.

"Mommy? Daddy? Who are they?"

The entire group turned to see where the young voice had come from. That was when the elder children saw the youngest child. Olivia was standing on the final stair on the staircase; her head tilted in curiosity.

It was Artemis who asked the hanging question. "Uh, who is she?"

Well, this was not how he was expecting to reveal the fact that they had a younger sister, but oh well. When did anything ever 'go according to plan' in this family?

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