Chapter One - The Cimorellis

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Christina's POV

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Christina's POV

From the moment my eyes snapped open I already felt exhausted and pretty much ready to go back to sleep.

Sadly for me, my alarm knew me too well. Exactly 5 minutes after I turned the damn thing off, it went off again. And once again. And one more time. I sighed frustrated when I realized I was fully awake and would no longer be able to fall back asleep. Still exhausted, but that was expected.

Slowly and feeling every muscle of my body protest against the movement, I got up from my warm bed, trying to gather the courage for get ready for the day. The clock showed that it was almost 5:30 am and if I didn't hurry up, I would be behind on my schedule, which would automatically put everybody else behind on their own schedules and we definitely can't afford that.

Well, I guess I forgot to introduce myself. Very well, my name is Christina Lynne Cimorelli, second oldest of 11 children, college student and still living at home at the age of 20. Well, more like living back at home for over a year now.

You see, almost one year and a half ago, after my 18th birthday and not long after I completed a year away from Sacramento and into my dream college in Chicago, a terrible car accident nearly took away from me four of my siblings and did take away our amazing, nurturing and loving mother. My desperate father was left alone with 9 kids still at home, four which were serious injured, two of them in need of physiotherapy for quite some time after the crash and all four of them in serious need of therapy for God-knows-how-long after staying strapped in a car with their dead mother for over a hour before help finally arrived.

When I saw the situation of my father and my poor little siblings, I simply couldn't leave them and go back to college. So when my father took the first promotion he received and moved the whole family to Nashville, I also transferred schools and moved back with my family.

I took a quick shower, brushed my teeth and got dressed and ready under half of an hour and walked out of my room, mentally preparing myself to start the torturous routine of waking up all of my little siblings and help the youngest ones to get ready for school., Just like I did every single day.

Even a whole school year later, it is still a pain to get all the little brats up and ready to go to public school and the three older ones are definitely the hardest of all. But I guess is understandable. I mean, they did get homeschooled all their lives so, other than simply hating waking up early and hating the school itself, they were never used to it. I do feel bad for them, but honestly? There is nothing I can do,no matter how much I wish that there was.

I sighed and opened the door closest to my own room. Katherine and Amy's room. Katherine, my 18 year old sister, is definitely my biggest help around the house. Every day she wakes up around the same time as I do and by the time I start to wake up the whole crew, she's already on the kitchen, cooking breakfast and getting all of our lunches ready – mine's, hers and dad's including. I took a deep breath and finally walked inside the room, finding just what I expected; a sound asleep 13 year old Amy under a mountain of blankets.

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