Chapter Eight - The house, the dog and... The rat?

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Christina's POV

"Wow! That's a big house!" Niall exclaimed the second he jumped out the van. I put my hands on my hips, standing right next to him while eying the, indeed, huge house right by the lake where I spent a big part of my childhood in. I smiled at the many memories suddenly going through my head.

"Yeah... Not that bad, huh?... Look out for the rat tho" I narrowed my eyes, turning in my heels and starting to slowly walk away "... I'm sure the little devil is still around somewhere" I picked up my pace, heading to where my dad's car had just parked behind mine.

"Wait! Rat? What rat? Christina!" I only chuckled and kept walking

"A dog? Dad, you let them bring a freaking dog? Dad!" I frowned deeply once I reached the small amount of people gathered around the dark van.

"Lisa, what's the matter?" I asked my angry little sister. She shifted her glaze to me and only took a small step to the side, allowing me to see the yellow furred topic of discussion sitting there quietly with its big tongue out. "Oh"

"Yes, 'oh'" Lisa sighed angrily and ran a hand through her hair. Perrie, who was standing next to Luke and the huge dog, with arms crossed and an annoyed expression huffed and rolled her cold blue eyes.

"What's the big deal? It's just a dog! Get over it, Michelle"

"Oh, you didn't, Louise" Lisa's eyes narrowed dangerously and she took one step forwards, pointing a finger to Perrie's face "I know you don't actually give a damn, but Lauren is freaking terrified of those things"

"Hank won't do anything to your sister, Lisa. You don't have to protect her from everything, she'll be just fine. Get over it and do not point your finger at me" The blonde finished her angry speech by forcefully lowering Lisa's hand. My sister's face went red and she opened her mouth to replay. However, dad beat her to it.

"The two of you, stop this childish behavior right now" He said in a loud tone and the dog barked. Lisa turned her angry eyes at him and glared while Luke kneeled on the floor to hold the animal back by its neck.

"Lisa, Hank isn't mean" Little Nick claimed, also kneeling down next to the animal and patting it's fur "He played with me all the way here on the car, he's really nice"

"Yeah, Lisa" Joey offered, nodding quickly "He's really nice"

"Where's Lauren?" Renee asked, cracking her neck to look around with one of the sleepy twins on her hip and the other by her side.

"She's with Nick, Lauren and Niall opening the house" I offered pointing to the house with my head. Renee hummed in agreement and nodded.

"Alright. Lisa, I promise you, you have nothing to worry about. Hank is a dog raised in a house with 8 kids, he's a sweetheart, but" The woman quickly added when Lisa opened her mouth once again "I will make sure he's outside and away from her all the time, alright?"

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