Fighting Back (Yukio x Demon!Reader)

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I am (y/n) (l/n). Daughter of a demon who ranks high in Gehenna. I came here to Assiah to meet the sons of Satan. I was on a mission from him to check of his sons due to his inability to visit them himself without killing his vessel. At first, I was honored to have a mission from he himself. That was before I actually saw them. I decided then that I wanted to meet them. Then I became friends with them. I've been living in Assiah for two years now. He came and visited Rin himself because I didn't return soon enough. I felt awful after that happened. It took Yukio a whole week to reassure me that I had nothing to do with Father Fujimoto's death. Now, I hate Satan. He killed Yukio's father. I will not forgive him for that. This is war.

Now, I'm on a partner mission with Yukio. We were sent out by Mephisto to investigate a city with abnormally high concentrations of demons, low and high levels. I look around the abandoned city. The air is thick with Coal Tar floating around everywhere. It's as full of demons as Mephisto said.

While we were walking I heard a voice speaking in my head. It sounded almost like....Satan. He's here. I stuck my hand out in front of Yukio, making him stop in his tracks. "(y/n), why are we stopping? What's wrong?" Yukio asked me. "He's here," I responded, my voice full of ice. That ice was directed at Satan. He knew I was here. All I had to do was find out where he was.

I suddenly darted into an alleyway with Yukio running after me. I turned a corner and froze. There was a man covered in blood and Blue Flames in front of us. He looked up when we appeared. Once he recognized who we were he grinned maniacally. I glared at him. I knew he was being possessed. "Ah, if it isn't the runaway demon and my son! Hello. I had hoped to see you under more favorable conditions but I guess it can't be helped." He opened his arms as if offering us a warm embrace. I continued to glare daggers of ice at him. I think I blinked once before he suddenly switched vessels. To Yukio. He suddenly lunged at me and pulled out his gun, holding me at gunpoint. "Come back. Come back to Gehenna, (y/n)," he said. His voice was pleading but I saw through his ruse. "You're lying. You don't want me back. I'm a traitor. I became an exorcist and I live in Assiah now. I will never return to Gehenna!" I yelled in his face. I tried my hardest to ignore the fact that I was technically yelling at Yukio. I wasn't doing a very good job but it was enough. "Fine. Then, I'll just have to kill you," he stated. "No...(y/n) out of here..." Yukio was trying to break free from Satan's possession. "What?! Yukio! I'm not leaving you!" I shouted back. "No, if you don't he'll use me to kill you," Yukio begged. I wasn't going to leave. I was too stubborn to leave him behind. He was one of my only friends and the only person other than Mephisto who knew about my secret. The fact that I was a demon. I looked straight at him. I could see the visible battle against Satan's possession he was fighting. I started walking forward, smiling. Their fight froze as they saw me walk closer and closer. I was only three steps away now. The seconds seemed to crawl. They were both visibly confused as to what I was planning. One more step and then...

I wrapped my arms around Yukio. He froze. It was a matter of seconds before Satan left him and returned to Gehenna. I kept my eyes closed, expecting the worst when I felt someone return my hug. I looked up, my (e/c) eyes meeting Yukio's blue-green ones. "Thanks for that." He smiled at me. I felt a small blush creep onto my (skin color) cheeks. "It was nothing," I replied, looking down again.

He lifted my head so that I was looking up at him. He was a lot taller than me. He bent down, slowly closing his eyes as he narrowed the distance between our faces before finally connecting our lips. I could feel my entire face go bright red...but it was nice. I had always had a small crush on Yukio, but I had never imagined this. I closed my eyes.

I could definitely get used to this.  

Hi! We hope you liked our first One-Shot! We will try to update every Friday/Saturday or as we get ideas and/or inspiration. So tell us if you liked it in the comments and tell us who you want us to write next and/or if you have any ideas for stories you'd like to read. Thanks a ton~<3

-The 2nd Red Queen of Hearts

-Blue Cheshire Cat

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