Cross My Heart and Hope to Die (Rin x Reader)

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If you must know... Yes, Reader-chan dies. So if you don't want to read/watch yourself die, then don't read this. No particularly graphic scenes, though.

"You're not mad? Or scared? And you don't hate me?"

"No, why would I be? I never really bought into the general strong hatred of demons in the first place. I don't understand the bias either. Mephisto is a Demon King and he leads the Japan Branch and the Exorcist school here! I don't hate you and I never will. I promise," I replied truthfully. I could never hate Rin. Especially since Rin had been waiting to tell me about this for a while and hadn't been able to. I had had to report to the Vatican a few months ago and I had just returned to Japan last night from a mission in Brazil.

Rin let out the breath he'd been holding as he listened to my response. "I'm just glad you're not even mad at me for not telling you when we first started going out." I shook my head, assuring him that I wasn't mad and he visibly relaxed.

"Promise me again that you won't tell anyone. The Vatican doesn't even know yet and I think I'm supposed to keep it that way," Rin said.

I laughed a little. "Don't worry. I won't tell anyone, not even the Vatican. I promise. Cross my heart and hope to die," I said, smiling brightly, lifting my hand to my lips and pulling it across them, zipping my lips shut.

Rin hugged me tight and I buried my face in his shirt. "Just don't actually die okay?" I laughed and wrapped my arms around him. "Don't worry. I'm not dying anytime soon."

I laughed. That had been a month ago; right before I'd left for America on another Exorcist mission.

I looked through the iron bars of my dark cell in the basement of the Vatican. Last week, Rin had flamed up while fighting a Demon King called Amimon and it just so happened that the current Paladin, Angel, had been in the area to see it. He had guessed that I had known about Rin's 'condition' -so he called it- and had come to America in person to pull me off the mission, send in a replacement, and apprehend me for keeping a friend's secret safe like I'd promised. Angel worded it as 'treason against the Vatican'. I thought that wording it like that was a little harsh.

So now I'm here. In a cell. Waiting to be punished for my so-called 'treason'. I thought about Rin. He'd probably heard about this by now; Angel will have told him. I sighed, leaning my head against the cold stone wall and closing my (e/c) eyes. The cold of the dirty wall seeped through my (h/l) (h/c) hair and I could feel the chill on the back of my head.

I don't know how much time passed before someone opened the old, creaky door to the room my cell was in. I snapped my eyes open and lifted my head off the wall. I didn't need to turn my head to know that it was Angel. As soon as I thought it he stepped into view. He was the last person I wanted to see right now and I sent an ice-filled glare at him. I just want to see Rin...

He laughed at me. "Don't bother trying to act tough, (y/n). I trust you already know what I'm here for?" he mocked me, smirking down at me. I didn't say anything. I didn't move. I wasn't going to give him the pleasure of killing me in more ways than the one inevitable. "You're a traitor. And traitors get killed. Understand?" he continued to taunt me.

I leaped up from the ground with lightning speed and grabbed Angel by the jacket. He didn't even see me coming. I pulled him into the bars and glared at him even harder. "Shut the h*ll up, Blondie. Just hurry up and kill me like you've been waiting to because we both know want to kill me," I growled at him. He only laughed in my face. It was so much louder up close.

"You are so amusing, (y/n). Even when facing death you don't fail to amuse me. Anyway, you'll be coming with me. I feel as though I have someone you'd like to meet so no trying to murder me as soon as I open the door, got that?" He removed my hands from his jacket as he spoke, throwing me back away from the old iron bars. I fell back. I had been sitting here for a week with nearly nothing in the way of food. The iron door creaked open, desperately needing oil, and Angel strutted in and chained a lightly rusted chain to my wrists. He roughly jerked me by my hands out of the cell and I stumbled as I stood up.

He led me out of the cell like a dog on a leash and it was I all could do to hold my head high through Angel's attempt at humiliation. He led me into an all-white soundproof room with one other person in it. A person I would recognize anywhere. I nearly cried when I saw him.


I screamed his name the instant Angel latched the door shut. He looked up from the ground as soon as he heard his name.

"(Y/n)! What happened to you? Why are you in chains?' Rin yelled from across the room, instantly recognizing my face. He was visibly straining against something. Chains. He was tied up just as I was.

I tried to run to him but I was brought to an abrupt stop. The chains holding me back and rubbing painfully against my wrists and I crashed to the ground. I heard Angel's cackle from behind me.

"AHAHAHA! Not so fast, (y/n). I hold your leash and, oh, what a dreadfully short leash it is, too," Angel laughed.

I was filled with hatred for a brief moment before it was replaced with fear and despair. I felt like my soul was collapsing in the anguish that consumed it as Angel's cackling filled the room; echoing off of the walls and bouncing back at me from all directions.

Rin screamed from five feet away. I was hurt. He wanted to get up and go to me and wrap his strong arms around my small frame and hold me and make me know that he was there and hide my tears and cry with me but he couldn't because of the chains that felt like they were burning into his wrists. He kept yelling for me but I couldn't hear him. They were coming through a wall of water. The room felt like it was filled with water and I was drowning in it. Dying in it.

Angel watched it all with a smile on his face. Until he decided it was finally time. He drew his big sword out of its sheath and held it up over my head.

Rin's cries grew more frantic. He tried to wake me from the nightmare inside my head.


I slowly raised my head from the cold white ground. I saw Angel's raised sword and my eyes widened in fear without my consent. He held it there, waiting for any last words.

"NO! YOU CAN'T DO THIS! SHE DOESN'T DESERVE TO DIE!" Rin yelled, tears streaming down his face.

"She is a traitor to the Vatican and therefore, must be executed," Angel responded calmly, still holding his sword in the air.

"Don' this to Rin. He shouldn't have to watch me die," I pleaded.

Rin looked at me, tears flowing from his blue eyes as a single tear flowed from my (e/c) eyes.

Angel grinned evilly. I felt more tears fall, hot and salty, from my eyes. There was nothing I, bound in chains, could do to prevent what happened next.

"Rin, I-" THUNK!

The finely sharpened blade hit my neck with great force and my final words were cut off. Blood spewed out of my mouth as the life drained rapidly from my eyes. I didn't hear Rin scream in pain as my limp form hit the ground. I didn't see Angel laughing at the pain he'd caused.

I walked into the bright light in front of me. I remembered the first time I met Rin. I felt like he was holding my hand, guiding me forward as I walked out of life, into death. 

Hi, guys. We hope you liked this kind-of-sad one-shot. We're sorry about taking Angel WAAAY out of character but it seemed to fit so we did it anyway. Thanks for all the reads you guys! <3 Don't forget to comment any ideas for stories. 

-Mad Hatter's Girl, Blue Cheshire Cat, and the 2nd Red Queen of Hearts

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