Something Magical

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"When I was a boy, my family took me on a trip. We didn't go to any exotic place. We didn't go anywhere glamorous. We just drove."
"Where did you go uncle Lucas?"
"We drove the back roads of Tree Hill and we saw all kind of wonderful things."
"But where were you going?"
"Everywhere, anywhere. But where we ended up wasn't really the point. It was the things we saw and the people we met along the way."
"Who was with you?"
"It was just my mum and my uncle and me."
"Where was your daddy?"
"He wasn't there. But something happened that day. Something magical."
"What was it? What happened?"
"My uncle let me drive."
"Were you scared?"
"No, I mean, the truth is I'm not sure I ever felt safer. But that day in the car with my uncle and my mum, was one if the best days of my life. Like today."

- Lucas and Jamie Scott

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