Two - Juxtaposition

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          I had began the task of cleaning Matty, using the washcloth from before in attempt to get some of the filth off of him. As I did this, he talked a lot, barely taking breaths between each sentence. He continuously rambled about the most unrelated things, like the beauty of juxtaposition and what some of his tattoos meant.

"This one here," He whispered. He glided his fingertips over his chest. "This one is for my nan."

"That's really sweet, Matty." I brushed a piece of hair out of my face so I could study the ink design. "Was her name Annie?" I questioned, taking notice of the name etched in his skin.

"Yeah," He smiled and placed my free hand on the center of his chest. His skin was warm, causing my cold fingertips to go numb from the sudden heat source. He frowned at this. "You shouldn't be out in the cold like that, Scarlett." Earlier I had told him my name was Scarlett, and briefly I pondered whether I should tell him it was a fake name or not. Eventually, I decided against it.

"I need to make money." I shrugged and examined his scabs from past heroin-injections. He quickly turned away, clearly embarrassed about his addiction. I was going to comment on his shameful behavior, but he spoke up before I had the chance to even open my mouth.

"That's bullshit," He scoffed, crossing his arms defensively. "There's easier ways to make money, y'know. You shouldn't have to be outside in such terrible conditions."

"Yeah, well, maybe I don't have a choice," I snapped, surprising myself at how upset his comment made me. We both became silent, the only sounds being the now cold washcloth slapping against his skin. "You seem clean enough," I muttered in a passive-aggressive tone. He unplugged the bath and let the water drain out, not standing up until the tub was completely empty. As he stood up, his boxers released an abundance of soaked-up water.

"I can get you some clean clothes," I attempted to walk away and into the bedroom, but I was stopped by a hand grabbing me by the wrist.

"No, it's fine. I'll just get a towel." With that, he discarded of the drenched fabric and tossed it aside, speedily grabbing a dirty towel from the floor and tying it around his waist. He stumbled into the other room and clumsily threw himself onto the bed.

"You alright?" I peeped out from the door frame to check on him.

"I'm good, just drowsy." Matty snuggled the covers and placed a pillow between his legs, resembling a small child who refused to sleep without their stuffed bear. He smiled cheekily at me. "Care to join me, Miss Jones?"

I jokingly rolled my eyes, stepping towards the mattress and flopping myself on top of him. "You're such a man-whore, Healy." He let out a slight chuckle, diverting his attention to my eyes.

"Y'know, Scarlett, I was really looking forward to having sex with you," He gave me a lopsided grin. "But now, I'd rather have you lay on me like this for the rest of the night."

My heart thudded against my chest, and I could sense my emotions run wild from what he said. In my seven years of prostitution, not once have I had a man want to talk to me. Most of the time they'd ignore my existence unless I specifically asked them a question, but even then they'd be oblivious.

I wanted to stay here and talk the night away with Matty, but I knew that I had other business to attend to. "I wish I could," I let out a heavy sigh. "But I have to get home." That was a lie. I didn't have a home.

He muttered something under his breath and then propped himself up on his elbows, causing my head to slide down to his lower abdomen. He thoughtlessly teased my platinum locks, wrapping strands of hair around his index finger and then releasing them. "Will I ever see you again?"

"Perhaps," I shrugged. "I don't know, you'll have to look for me." He tried to argue with what I said, but already I was crawling off the bed and walking toward the apartment door.

"Do I still need to pay you?" He waved his wallet in the air to indicate he had cash.

"Yeah, but you don't need to pay the full price. A hundred is just fine." He fished through his wallet until he found four twenties, tossing the money across the room to reach me. "Thanks." I stuffed the payment into my bra, making sure none of it would fall out.

Just as I began to open the door, I was interrupted by Matty shouting my name.

"Scarlett! Scarlett, wait!" He hopped out of the bed and ran over to me, a small throw-blanket in his hands. Hurriedly, he wrapped the soft piece of cloth around my shoulders. "It's chilly out, I don't want you getting sick."

          "Thanks," I repeated, but this time it was more genuine than ever. "See you soon, Healy."

          "Later, Jones."

           With that, I exited the apartment building without another word to him, but truly I wanted to talk to him nonstop for the remainder of the night. I tried to think of other things beside him, but I couldn't help but daydream about how lovely he was. The more I thought of him, the more doubtful I became. I've met guys like him before, who pretend they care about you only so you'll have sex with them. That's all men ever really think about. Sex. Sex. Sex.

Every part of me yearns for Matty Healy, but still, I sense that he isn't as compassionate as he portrays himself to be.

A/N: thanks for reading! please vote and comment your thoughts or what you think will happen next! i love my readers and i hope you're enjoying it : )

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