One - Romanticizing Heroin

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           The aroma of tobacco clouded the mirror I stared into, the fog-like wisps limiting my ability to see my reflection. Through the smoke I observed myself, taking in every aspect of my appearance. My slick, platinum hair seemed almost as if it was glowing in the dim lighting, and my eyes looked animated, as they appeared to have a slight shimmer from the dark eyeliner I had applied. I shifted my sight towards my nose, reminding myself of how it resembled a witch with how crooked and pointy it was. Under my cupid's bow was a plain set of lips coated in layers upon layers of crimson lipstick. I stepped back from the mirror and took in my face as an entirety. My lack of eyebrows finished off my alienated features, causing my dark-irises to stand out even more. As my self-studying came to an end, I spun the bud of my cigarette into the ashtray on my bathroom sink, fancying the crunch noise the ash made when they collided. Seeing the grin on my face as I hear the sound enter my ears, I quickly withdrew the corners of my lips. It's, indeed, very foreign of me to experience pleasure from such an odd thing, so when I saw the elation it wrought from within me, I almost wanted to wince.

         I peeked at my reflection one last time before I exited the smoke-filled restroom and strutted out into the lively city. When I looked out towards the stars, I could not conceal the pit that formed in my stomach, for the tiny galaxies always remind me of how pathetic my life is on Earth. I used to be a pure-being, a beautiful child with ebony curls and a smile forever plastered on my face. Now, I was selling my body to any man that I crossed paths with. It truly was a shame, how cruel men could be. I meet all sorts of husbands, fathers, businessmen, and other high-status humans, but I'm the whore who gets blamed for ruining their marriages and business deals. Funny how that works, isn't it?

          My remorseful thoughts were interrupted by a gentle tap on my shoulder blade, the person's fingertips so cold my skin tingled. I daintily turned around to them, my heels clicking against the pavement. I see that it is a client that seeks my attention, and flash him my signature Scarlett Jones smile to cover up any sign of Debra. "Hello Sir, how can I help you?" As I spoke, the words flowed off my tongue eloquently, each syllable sounding irresistibly sexy. The man appeared fairly youthful, as his face resembled a young adult in their late-twenties, and he had dark curls that flopped aimlessly on the top of his head.

          "H... Hey, I'm Matty," He paused terribly as he spoke, his words almost illegible as they came out. "Are you... you for s... sale?" He tried for a smile, but it was clearly forced and it looked as if they polite gesture caused him physical pain. He was uncontrollably shuddering.

         Debra would've told him to fuck off and call him a wanker, but I was Scarlett, and Scarlett could never turn down that offer. I once again smiled for him, but this time I was sure to bite my lip just to tease him, because I was Scarlett and she wanted him to fancy her. "$150 for one hour, $200 for two." He nodded frantically, shakily pulling the money from his pocket to prove he had it.

          "Y... Yeah, I'll take an hour." He inhaled a deep breath before continuing, "Come to my room."


           The entire walk to Matty's apartment was uncomfortable and gut-wrenching, but I pretended to be interested with his small talk to be polite. So far, I knew he was in a band, he usually doesn't do this, and he likes cocaine and sex. The only thing we had in common was our love for cocaine.

            When we at last arrived at his hotel room, I was already pulling a condom packet out from between my breasts. Matty was too busy fumbling with the door key, so I decided to take the rubber out of its packaging in order to be ready when he was. Once he had it unlocked, Matty hurriedly rushed inside, slamming the door so loud it rang through the hall. "Just give me 10 minutes!" He shouted, clatter and racket following his remark. I let out a heavy sigh, hoping he didn't have a thing for bondage or something and that's why he needed time.

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