12. Beauty

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It's been almost half a year since Sirius had gotten out of his coma, and things are getting more and more back to normal. Remus has gotten his old job back, as a teacher at the school where he used to work. Sirius is now working for another magazine, writing articles about all kinds of things, from books, to movies, to recipes. The good thing is that he can work from home. Because even though he is physically all better, mentally he still needs time. He has been out of this world for five years, but the world has moved on, and it takes time to deal with it, and to learn things. Remus is helping him with it, and they know that together, they will get there eventually.

They are putting on their shoes, to go to the park with Jimmy. But Remus sits down, and Sirius knows exactly what is going on. He puts his shoe down, and kneels down in front of his husband, putting his hands on his knees.

"I'm sorry," Remus whispers, covering his eyes with his hands.

"Stop it," Sirius says, and he presses his lips against Remus' forehead. "Come on," he says, and he gets up. "Let's get you to bed," he says, and he picks Remus up. Remus is the taller one, and heavier, but Sirius can still pick him up as if he doesn't weigh a thing.

"Put me down. Your health..."

"Shut up, Remus," Sirius says, as he takes him upstairs, and Remus can't help but smile through his tears. Sirius puts him in bed, after having undressed him.


It's been a few hours, and they are now both in bed, Sirius holding Remus, who is shivering and shaking, and crying and moaning from the pain. Sirius' chest is covered in scratches from Remus' nails, and this isn't the first time, but he doesn't care. All he cares about is the fact that his husband is in pain, and that he wants to be there for him and help him. And when he looks at the crying man in his arms, suffering, almost unable to take the pain, something inside of him breaks. He loves him so much, and he still finds him so beautiful, it makes him feel like his heart is swelling up. He brushes the hair out of Remus' face, and Remus looks up at him, his forehead covered in sweat, his eyes bloodshot and filled with tears.

"Marry me," Sirius whispers. "Marry me again," he repeats, when his husband just looks at him.


"I want to do it for real this time. Have a party, with our friends, show everyone how much I love you," Sirius says, the adrenaline making him feel like he is flying. Remus is still shaking, the pain almost becoming too much, and quite frankly, he cannot think of a worse time for a proposal. But it has still made his stomach fill up with butterflies, and a smile has formed on his lips.

"Yes," he says. "I'll marry you. Again," he says, and Sirius lets out a small laugh. He looks at his husband, and even though is he still suffering terribly, there is now a small smile on his face, and there is some happiness in his eyes again.


Remus is still getting better, and he is able to go around the house again. Sirius has just come out of the shower, and he is coming into the bedroom, where Remus has just woken up. Remus cannot help but notice the scratches on his chest, and he feels horrible. He knows that it has happened before, but these are particularly bad. The entire attack had been the worst it has ever been. Sirius notices his husband looking at the scratches, and sits down beside him on the bed.

"Don't worry about it. They will heal," he says, and he grabs Remus' hand, and looks down at his wedding ring. A cheap thing that they had bought when they had gotten married for the first time. "I want to do it properly this time."

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