Not Feeling Like Myself: Part 2

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Part 2  Enjoy:)


Shadows cast upon every inch of the Alley's Entrance parted as I made my way towards the end. I could hear the weak pitter patter of his faint heart. As I neared, his unmoving body became clearer. Reaching into the confines of my trench pocket, I grabbed a Camel Crush from the pack. Placing it between my lips, liteing it with my Zippo. Small gurgled coughs brough my attention back to the boy. I lingered at the edge of the shadows. A  lamp from the building above bathed the boy in faint light. I studied him with curiosity. He was no older than 20. With black hair, with a slight curl to it. His skin had once been a light tan but with every passing moment it lost a little of its glow. He wore simple clothing for a human, most I had encountered wore expensive designer things. A black T-shirt, Khaki Shorts, and pair of converse upon his feet. He wasnt very big in build, he couldn't have weighted more than 120 pounds, but he made up for it in height. He was about 5'11'' from what I could see. His chest rose and fell faintly as his body tried with all its might to cling to his rapidly fading life. Any time now, a Reaker would be coming to collect once he had passed, but for some reason I couldnt settle for that. I took a long drawl from my cigarette as I stepped from the shadows. He knew I was there. His already straining heart tried to quicken its frantic pace. He whimpered softly in pain. I could finally see his face. It shocked me greatly how beautiful he was. In all the centuries I had been upon this hell these feeble Human's called Earth, None had caught my interest as this one did. He had beautiful eyes, They were the color of Olives. A strong jaw, his cheek bones were curved just right. He strained to see me. Im sure it was difficult because he was dying after all. I took a last drag from the Cigarette before tossing it aimlessly into a puddle. A large stain of Crimson painted the ground about him. he tilted his head weakly to face me. I slowly lowered myself into a crouch, making it easier for him. His green eyes widend as he took me in. A small smile formed upon my lips. Many have had the same reaction. He opended his mouth to say something but only blood sputtered out. A small pang clipped my slowly beating heart.

" Please.. " He managed. I tilted my head slightly. What was I to do?

" Please, Help Me.. Please. " He pleaded. His hand weakly moved out to me. I remained still, though I watched his every move. The rain had began to pour down harder. He was safely tucked beneath a small off-hang from the roof above but I crouched in the constant droplets. His hand made its way up my leg until he gripped onto the sleeve of my coat. He weakly pulled my arm down to him. His eyes lingered upon my gloved hands for only a second before his hand curled about mine.

" I dont want to die, Please Help Me. " He said again. I muttered a curse before I quickly jerked away. I was getting soft! How could I allow a simple mortal to hold so much power over me. I thanked the air that he had no Idea. I cursed again as I made my decision. He whimpered weakly, trying to grab for me again. I growled as I tore the trench coat off. I bent for a moment. popping into his view. Laying the coat upon him, the rain quickly soaked into the simple black muscle shirt I wore. He watched me like a hawk. I knew I would regret this later. He would know what I was but I could easily find him and erase his memory. I would also hear it from management. The Bastards. Tilting my head back a bit my neck cracked loudly. with a simple roll of my shoulders, my wings burst outward from my back. They flapped a few times. I closed my eyes savouring the feeling of them being free. Keeping them conceiled was like an angry aching gum before a new tooth cut through. I quickly turned my attention back to him. he stared up at me as if I was an Alien.  Typical Human. They were Ignorent to the Knowledge that beings higher than themselves existed. Thats how it was ment to be. Angels were ment to simply guard. To protect the weak willed from straying from the path. Blah. Blah. Blah.

" You're... You're .. " He stammered weakly. I ignored him.

" What is your name boy? " I asked. My voice sounded harsh and foreign to my ears. He stared up at me as if he were afraid. 

" Hannibal. " He said finally. a strange name for a strange creature.  I bent down slipping my gloved hand beneath his head. he was so frail. So weak. I did my best not to jar him about as I lifted him from the ground. He groaned weakly in pain as I adjusted him. Placing his head upon my shooulder, I fixed the coat making sure it was tucked neatly around him so the wind and rain wouldnt give him a bigger chill that he already had. I could feel what little blood he had left slowly leak fron his body onto my arm.

" Hold on a bit longer. You're almost there. " I said softly to him. He was fading quickly, it was only a matter of time. My massive black wing extended as I bent, thrusting us upward like a bullet into the night sky. I glided easily through the wind and rain.  

: What's your name? " Hannibal whispered onto my neck. His breath was warn upon my skin. It felt so strange, yet it felt good. I chose to remain silent. the only sound was of the wind and the pounding of my wings. I spotted the Hospital. quickly swoopinglow I made sure no one was in the back parking lot before I landed effortlessly upon my feet. My wings quickly folded disappearing within my back. Hannibal groaned loudly and I quickly made my way to the front. The Automatic Doors of the Emergency Room Opened and I rushed inside.

" Help! Someone quick he's been shot! " I said loudly, catching the attention of everyone. Everyone scattered about quickly. A strecher was was wheeled over to us and I layed him gently upon it. He stared at me. His green eyes never leaving mine. He reach out toward me and I clasped his hand with mine.

" What's your name? " He asked franticly as the nurses prepared to take him away. I offered him a small smile.

" Amara. " I said simply. I had given him my true name. The Nurses wheeled him away. I glanced at him a last time before the door closed obscuring my view.




--- Mar :)

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