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Hey Guys :) Here is another Chapter. Hope you all like it. Remember Vote and Comment.  And, If any read and wish me to read and comment their stories just drop me an inbox or comment.



( Hannibal's Point of View.)

When I opened my eyes I was nearly blinded. The Florescent lights on the celing were just too much for my eyes to handle. I blink a few times. A steady beeping sound filled my ears. My throat was so dry and there was a throbbing deep in my chest. I could make out a faint conversation somewhere outside the room. I tried to sit up, only to recieve a searing pain shoot through my body. I hissed loudly through clenched teeth. DAMN! The monitor to my right began to beep loudly. A woman bounced into my view. She was blurry to me at first but as my eyes adjust she became clear. She was a Nurse, she smiled sweetly down at me.

" Its ok. Your Alright. Just Relax. Are You Hurting? " She asked as she checked the many things attached to my body. I nodded.

" Yes, I have this bad ache within my chest. " I said hoarsly. My throat constricted, cutting of any other words that tried to make an escape. She looked at mr, sympathy filled her chocolate eyes. She nodded once before slipping from my sight. The room was so dead, nothing but the steady beeping echoed the room. Closing my eyes, I willed myself to think back to what happened, to the reason why I was even in this Forsaken place. Images raced through my mind like an old black and white projecter. Some were fuzzy and others were crystal clear. I remember getting a phone call. It was from Emma, a girl I've liked for years. She was the rich snoby type. I didnt mind, I had always overlooked that little detail. She had told me that she was lonely and wanted some company. she had recently broken up with her boyfriend Zax. He was such a Tool. I had offered to buy her dinner. She agreed to my surprise. I had told her to meet me at The Golden Boader. A restaurant we went to as children. I had been a long time since I had been back to my home town. Bad memories and thoughts treatend to overcome but I quickly pushed them aside. I showered and dressed. I opted for something comfortable. After all, we were only having dinner. I had no business but to me, it was worth it, if only to see Emma. I checked myself over in the mirror, running my fingers through my wet and unruly black hair. I decided it was better to leave out my lip ring. I didnt want her to freak out. With a sigh I made my way to my car. I drove slowly into town, I was nervous. I really wasnt sure how to feel. For years I have waited for my chance with Emma. I stood in the shadows of guys who were dogs. Assholes out for one thing, a piece of Ass. They lied and pretended until they got what they had set out for and after they had succeded, they tossed her aside like a piece of yesterday's trash. What I couldnt understand was she just kept going back for more. She just couldnt get enough of the hurt. I shook myself out of my thoughts as I pulled into the parking spot a few spaces down from The Golden Boarder. I took a deep breath composing myself. I was determined to enjoy the little time I had with her. Getting out, I quickly made my way to the door, pushing my way inside. I grabbed an empty booth making myself comfortable. She must be running late so now I had to wait. Typical Woman, Always making the Men wait. Glancing about at the Dinner's occupants, I noticed they were all couples aside from a few families. They all seemed genuinly happy. I was the odd one out. Great I mumbled to myself sarcasticly. That was really nothing new. A waitor came over asking if he could get me anything, I settled for a Pepsi. I played a few games of cards on my phone as I waited. I was so engrossed with the games I hadnt noticed the sun had set or that everyone had vacated. I checked the time on my phone and it said 10:45. They closed at 11:00. My heart fell. She stood me up. I should have known that Bitch would do this! I roughly pulled myself from the booth, I grabbed a 10 from my pocket tossing the crumpled bill upon the table top.  I stomped my way to the exit, shoving my way out into the cool night air. Hatred burning through me. I had half a mind to call the whore up and give her a piece of my damn mind. Crowds of people brushed past me, I paid no attention to them. I was to furious to even care about anything right now. The hurt was so deep. I had my heart set upon proving that I was The perfect guy for her. How could she do this! I was such a fool, an Idiot for ever thinking that I could have a shot with someone like her. A bright flash lit the sky followed by a loud rumble. It was about to start pouring down. Great. I wasnt even to my car yet. Before I could pick up the pace, the rain slowly started to fall. This night couldnt possibly get any worse I thought. Digging into the pockets of my shorts, I searched for my keys. I was vaguely aware of the alley way I was passing. Something slammed into my back knocking my off balance. I stumbled into the dirty wall of the Alley. I was roughly jerked backwards. I fought hard agaisnt whom ever held me. I jerked about freeing myself from the jacket I wore. Turning my head towards my attacker I could barely make out the outline of a burley man. Before I could even run he grabbed me by the throat dragging me further into the Alley. My sneakers slipped and slid upon the wet ground. It was impossible to get a good footing. I clawed at his chubby fingers that blocked my airway. I had to do something! Fight back! free yourself! My mind screamed to me. The unseen man slammed me backward against the stone wall of the building. I struck outward in hopes that my fist would connect with his face, but my punch never landed. I heard a faint cocking sound and froze in place. A Gun. He had a Gun. My blood ran cold with Fear. Oh God No! I cried inside. He squeezed tighter upon my throat.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2012 ⏰

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