Chapter 4

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Aaron's POV

           I didn't smoke often because I can't breathe for five days after. But sometimes, you gotta do what you gotta do. Taking that drag cleared the stress that was building up in my chest, and seemingly cleared my head. The smoke was calming, and I laughed as it blew around me.

            Although I was going to regret this later.

           Cassie's plan wasn't bad, but it wasn't good. There were so many holes in it, and it clearly wasn't thought through enough. Plus I still wasn't completely sure about this Camille chick, there was nothing to really be made of her. She's the type of girl you'd make small talk with, maybe hook up with once if you were feeling desparate enough. But if I really wanted someone that important or special to help me escape, and to help her escape, it should be someone else. She was too shy. If Cassie had brought me someone who had traveled the world on foot, climbed Mt. Everest for a warm up, knew every language ever, and had many exotic experiences to share WOW that would be fun.

           That would be an ESCAPE.

           Cassie thought she understood me and knew everything about me. When we first met people told me that she believed it was her duty to try to fix me, and I had laughed it off. But as we continued to work together, she started to become too involved. Way too involved. When we had to film in Italy for a few weeks, she insisted to go everywhere with me and tried to even stay in my hotel room with me. She's not my mom.

           I took another long drag. It filled up my head, and I let out a heavy cough. It had almost felt like the first time I smoked, which was on the first legitimate large scale movie I was on. It had been a long shoot, and a bunch of the guys were outside smoking. I was automatically given a cig.

           Before I saw her, I heard the clicking of Cassie's heels. She had that concerned look on her face that bothered me to the highest degree. "Aaron! You go back in there and apologize to Camille...oh no. You're smoking again. I bet you'll develop lung cancer soon enough."

           I attempted to laugh, but it came out as a gunk filled cough.

           "You know, Aaron, I am really dissappointed in you. I wish you would just..."

           A puff of smoke filled my head. "You're being so-"

           Another voice came out of nowhere. "Cassie, just stop whatever you're doing." I heard shoes scraping the pavement.

           Cassie growled. "Camille, listen, I know Aaron. I can handle..."

           "No, Cassie. Let ME talk to him."

           That shut her up.

           Between the puffs of smoke, I was barely able to make out Camille's face. I started coughing heavily again. I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Come on Aaron, let's sit down."

           I let a long breath out. It felt great, but I still wanted to get another drag. Camille was saying a bunch of things, very nervously, and I had no idea what she could have been talking about. She kept clutching her skirt or pants or whatever she was wearing and used her hands a lot to express what she was trying to say. 

           "I just had a few shots of vodka," Camille said, then laughed. "Sorry if what I just said didn't make sense or seems jumbled up or overconfident... I don't think I ever talk like this." She took a deep breath and laughed again. "It's funny 'cuz I don't drink."

           "It's funny 'cuz I don't smoke," I laughed, which caused me to cough.

           "But don't all actors smoke?"

           "No. That's a stereotype. I hate that so much, when people do that."

           She fell silent. I offered her a puff, but she declined and started talking very excitedly and fast paced all over again.

            "Aaron...I just really want to help in whatever way I can. Cassie has a really good idea. We can get both of the things we want, you know? I know we don't know each other very well, but that can change."


           "I can shoo Cassie away if I need to."

           "Her ideas are stupid."

           She gets up in front of me and stares me in the eye. "You know what. Why don't you try this out? If you don't like it after a month or so, we can stop. We'll never have to see each other again, we can pretend none of it ever happened."

           I smiled as a gust of smoke trickled out of my mouth. "Deal."

I had to go through two hours in the makeup chair today, but for some odd reason Cassie only had half an hour. She hadn't stopped talking on the phone since.

           Galina, the lead makeup artist, was an older lady who had the squeakiest Russian accent the few times she did talk. She was very focused, making sure she acheived perfection. The past two films she worked on helped her get Oscar nominations.

           Before she made her finishing touches, Cassie finally got off of her phone. 

           "So Aaron!!" she laughed. "Next week there's gonna be a party at the Four Seasons for the new Gucci line coming out. I'd think it might be a good way to get sponsors for Camille."

           I glared at her, she knows that sudden noises got Galina off track. It was obvious that Galina was bothered as she powdered my face. "What does she need sponsors for?"

           "Well, you know, free dresses."

           Galina stuffed all the makeup she had used in her cosmetics bag and rushed off to the next few people. "Yeah whatever. I'll bring her if you want."

           She smiled and clapped her hands twice. "Great! It might also be a good way to promote the movie. I'm really excited."

           "Aren't you always?" I mumbled.

           "Sorry, I couldn't hear. Could you repeat that!?"

           I stared myself in the mirror for a long moment. Hollywood parties were probably not a good start for this "journey" (or whatever this is called) for Camille. She was going to stop by the set sometime later today, probably the time where all of our brains are fried from filming with the exception of Cassie. Ever since the day at the restaurant, I hadn't spoken to Camille. But on the other hand, she hadn't spoken to me either.

           Cassie stepped closer to me, and checked her reflection in the mirror before resting her chin on my head. "Aaron?"

           "What, Cassie?"

           "Are you ready for this?"

           The shot list was taped to the mirror, and I took a quick glance at it. The scene listings were ones that I was comfortable with and not too strenuous. As long as I focused on what I was supposed to be doing, I would just fine. "Well, today's filming shouldn't be too hard. I mean it's just..."

           "No, not that. I wasn't talking about that." She stepped away from the mirror and started heading towards the door.

           "Then what were you talking about?"

           Cassie's shoes made a scraping noise on the floor. Slowly she turned around. "I was talking about opening up yourself to Camille."

           I chuckled. "Who said I was opening up myself? No part of this deal included that at all."

           A look in her eyes blazed towards me. "Of course not. But whether you like it or not, it is going to happen. I WILL be sure of it."

 Hey guys! It's been awhile since I'e posted a chapter, so here it is. I had a  lot of write's block while writing this, so let me know what you think? I'd appreciate it. :)

Twitter: @ohtrulie

IG: @juju_beanie

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