Chapter 1

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Here's my new story Hiding from Hollywood. I hope you enjoy!!


Aaron's POV

         The blinding lights screamed into my eyes temporarily, before focusing on the scene being filmed. I watched as my co-star, Cassie Flynn, perform the best film combat I have ever seen. The scene looked so convincing it seemed like she was actually beating up the poor little extra. The camera members had trouble figuring out a good angle before, but they must have figured it out. Today had been quite successful, completing four new scenes in one day.

         Even though I knew a fat paycheck would arrive sooner or later, I knew that this whole life was not as glamorous as it seemed to be. Six years ago when I walked in the interview room with my current agent (who was part of one of the top talent agencies here in LA), I had no idea that being a professional actor would have me this tired, fed up, and busy. It's true that I had been on camera many times, but I had never gotten so much work and publicity. If I’m not auditioning, I’m either scheduling an interview for television or magazines, photo shoots, promotions/endorsements, community service, responding to fan mail, updating my website, or making phone calls. There are no days off, except for next weekend.

            Life has always had me busy for acting and modeling, but it was never this stressful. Even though on the outside I always kept that fake smile, the fans that were waiting outside were crazily out of their minds. They think I’m God or something. I can’t even go to an interview without being annoyed or hit on anymore, but I pretend to laugh it off. The way they always screamed or tried to touch me made me wish they would go see a doctor for their crazy and foolish obsession over me. I’ve been told I’m living every guy’s dream, being chased by tons of chicks, but it gets old. They acted like they knew everything about my life, but they actually knew nothing.

            I wished for a normal life.

         My agent wasn't kidding when he said if I got really far out here, it would be hard to get out of it. Everyone in America remembered my name and constantly searching for any piece of information they could get out of my life. The worst part was that I was surrounded by the industry. My roommate and cousin Braden was a famous television actor. My mother and father own a large scale production company. My sister worked for the SAG office(Screen Actors Guild) and my brother was a singer, who just happens to appear in a film or TV episode here and there.

         "Hey Aaron," Cassie said, her tall, athletic figure running towards me. I forced a smile for her, she was the mood inspector of the whole cast and crew. "Is there something wrong?"

         I shrugged. "Oh well, you know... just the usual."

         She twirled her curly brown hair around her thin fingers."How can I help?" 

         She had never asked this before, and I knew I could probably trust her. "We can talk after the sequence is done. If you want."

         "Yeah sure."

         After ten minutes, I quickly completed my scene in three takes and left the set. Cassie followed right behind me. I didn't realize she was right at my heels until I got to my trailer. "Give me a moment please. I'll be right there." So I walked inside and removed my costume before quickly changing into some basketball shorts and a white beater. It hugged my abs just the slightest bit.

         When I stepped out, I noticed that Cassie had gone to her trailer too. As I began walking in the direction of her trailer, she popped out smiling. I suggested we take a few laps out here.

         "I don't feel like running," she said.

        "We don't have to. We can just, walk. You know?"

        She nodded. "Right."

        I purposely took five steps in front of her. She had to run to catch up. "So what's up with you?" she asked.

        "It's, uh, well... it's complicated. You might not understand."

        "But you don't know that. I might."

        For a long moment, I hesitated about how I should put it. "I hate my life."

        Her foot made a screeching sound that pierced my ear drums. She jumped in front of me, holding my thick shoulders. "Oh no. You are not killing yourself. I won't allow that."

        I smacked my forehead. "Cassie, I never said that."

        "Good." She breathed out a long sigh. "You got me really worried."

        "Sorry. I didn't mean to."

        While she continued to stand in place, I continued walking. It was surprising when she didn't follow for some time, and I turned around to check. When I did she walked up to me in four long strides. "But could you explain yourself? Why do you hate your life?"

        "Maybe I picked the wrong words. I don't hate it, but I am quite sick of it."

        "How? You're living every guy's dream."

        This was going to be a hard conversation. "I know, but I just hate the fame part. What I need is peace, or an escape. My whole life has been in front of a camera and in Hollywood. I don't know what it's like to have-"

        Why was I telling her all this? I hadn't even confessed this to my cousin, and I tell him almost anything. Not trying to sound like a girl, but I can trust him with anything. Now Cassie is very trustable, but it felt weird saying all the things I was to a lady who wasn't my girlfriend. And I had no interest in dating her.


        "Huh? Oh sorry I just lost my train of thought."

        She kicked a rock. "Tell me when you get it back."

        Nonchalantly I leaned against the wall. I waited a long moment before saying, "I just want a glimpse of a normal life."

        She slid down the wall on her back until she was at my knee level. "Oh, I could easily help you with that!"

        "You don't say."

        "I do say." I rolled my eyes at the comment. "Listen though! I have a good friend who is an aspiring actress. She's only done some theater and stuff, but she's nowhere near famous."


        "Maybe you could do each other a favor."

 What do you think?

All feedback is appreciated. Vote if you want to read more. I'll upload another chapter once this gets at least 20 votes.

Until next time. ;)



Instagram: @whoneedsair

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