Chapter 2

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Here's the chapter you've all been waiting for. Make sure you read the author's note at the end.

Camille's POV

           They told me that I'll get a lot more no's before I get that final yes that will open my career to every opportunity in the world. They never told me how many no's I would get, but after today's rejection, probably at least 106. Obviously in Hollywood I had no luck even getting into theater productions. Back to community theater it is.

           It was dissapointing since New York had been promising for me. I actually made it (kind of) over there on a few off-off Broadway productions and cabarets. Someone suggested that I could do well in LA. But now, I doubt I could make it into film at this point. I couldn't even find an agent. Not even my friends who did a few indies could pull strings.

           When I got home I checked my email. My boss from the photography business I had recently worked with to make some extra cash wanted me to come to the office for the rest of the week since he heard about my failures to work on some headshots for actors. What a joke. He always knows how to make me feel worse about myself.

           "Hey Camille," my roommate Daveney knocked on my door. "Do you want anything to eat?"

           "No, I'm not hungry."

           "What if I said I made ravioli?"

           Usually this would cause me to jump out of my seat and run to the kitchen or get my stomach to growl, but I truly wasn't hungry. Today had been too disappointing for me to eat or drink.

           Daveney walked in and wrapped her arms around my head, kissing my hair. She kept it there for a long moment. Eventually I got up and embraced her fully, crying a little. I was glad she said nothing. Right now was not the perfect time for a confidence pep talk. After she was done she went back outside and set a plate of buffalo wings and a bottle of lemonade next to my computer.

            Like I was gonna eat or drink that. Long after Daveney fell asleep, I tip toed to the kitchen to wrap up the wings and put the lemonade away. The floor creaked in the same spot it always does in the kitchen and my heart jumped. I really hoped Daveney wouldn't hear it. She's a heavy sleeper but sometimes the most random noises will wake her up.

           Something I don't know gave me an urge to take a peak of her in her room. She looked so peaceful, her stomach slowly moving up and down, her dark hair and skin looking frozen in time.

           I wish I was as perfect as her. She had a job as a information systems manager that got her a lot of money. My parents always wanted me to go into a field like hers, something that could guarantee a regular paycheck and let me pay for all my expenses. But no, I chose the unstable life as a performer.

           She also had a  super sweet and good looking boyfriend whom she met at some party that I attended with her. At that party (as well as several others and through mutual friends), I attempted to flirt with a few guys but I didn't get any of their contact information. Daveney had all the luck, while I did not.

           My phone buzzed in my room and I went over to go look who texted at 12:30 in the morning. To my surprise the door did not make a loud noise like it had a million times before. As I glanced at the screen, Cassie's face was shining. I rolled my eyes, thinking that she was going to ask if I got the part today. She was a television and film actress, who actually made it unlike me.

           Since I wasn't really in the mood to talk to anyone, I shut my phone off. Maybe another time I'd be willing to talk to her.

My face felt sticky and my hair was probably in a million tangles. When I rolled over in my bed to look at my clock, it was 2 in the afternoon. Why hadn't Daveney woken me up? My sore body some how got out of my bed and I went to the kitchen for some breakfast. I made some oatmeal and ate it very slowly.

           The sad feelings I had last night seemed stupid now, yet I didn't really want to face today. All of a sudden, I remembered that I had to go to work. I scarf the rest of the breakfast down my throat, which did not feel good because the heat of the oatmeal burned the lining of my throat.

           The mirror was not my friend today. When I looked at it, my hair was in a crazy, curly dissaray, my face was greasy, and I was in desperate need of makeup. I took care of everything for my morning routine and got dressed. On my way there, the traffic wasn't too bad like normal. LA was famous for it's yucky traffic.

           The receptionist smiled at me when I walked in. The offices were located in a tall 30 floor building so the StarShine Photography wasn't the only one here. I hopped on the elevator with another lady who looked quite important. She may be an agent or casting director, so I played the uber polite game that you're supposed to if you're in LA: ask her what floor she wants, make some considerate small talk, then give her my resume. Like a true aspiring actor, I always carried a few copies of my card and resume with me at all times. We eventually arrived at my floor.

           "Have a nice day, ma'am," I said.

           She tucked my headshot in her purse. "Thank you my dear. I wish you the best of luck."

           The doors closed and my boss, Mr. Simonds, gave me a thick folder to work on for the day. He never cared what time you came in or what time you left. As long as you got work done, he would  pay  you. It was kind of quirky, the way he ran things, but I liked it. He was always striving to have a good relationship with his co workers.

           "I want you to take a look at all these photos and write notes on the back about where retouching is needed or improvements need to be name it. I"ll give you until next Thursday to work on them.


           Two and a half hours in, I went outside for a break. "No more than fifteen minutes," the receptionist told me when I got to the entrance.

           "Yes ma'am."

           My hand reached inside my purse and the first thing I grabbed was my phone. I turned it on and saw that I had a few text messages from Daveney and the one from Cassie that I never looked at. All Daveney told me was that she had to go to work early and we could go out to dinner tonight if we wanted. Her boyfriend would be there, and I didn't really want to third wheel. She always claimed me tagging along with the two of them wouldn't be weird, but it was. They had their inside jokes or conversations I didn't understand. I declined the invitation.

           Finally I got to Cassie's text. While it loaded my blood rushed to my head. I shut my eyes tight for a minute. When I opened them again and read her message, I was relieved and laughed at myself for freaking out so much.

Hey Cam, I hope you're doing well. I met someone on set who might be able to get your feet in the door and show you some tricks of the trade. Come by the set sometime soon. Call when you do so I can let you in. Kisses and hugs


          How nice! I had to get back to work and finish up at least another third of the photos. A few people stared as I ran in and got into an elevator with no one else. The elevator could rise anymore slowly than right now. Mr. Simonds would not be happy with my sloppiness but I still had another week. I stowed the folder away in my desk and checked out with the receptionist. Cassie picked up on the second ring and asked if I could go out to dinner with her. I gladly accepted.

           Boy was I excited.

In order for me to upload the next chapter, I'll need 25 votes. It's nothing personal, I just want to make sure that enough people are interested in me uploading.



Instagram: @whoneedsair

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