Dominate- Kuroneki

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It was a normal day for Kaneki. He went out with his bestfriend Hide for a while and planned to go back to his semi lovely girlfriend, you, duh. You never really knew how to express your feelings in front of others and were not a fan of PDA so it always ended up with you looking like the alpha male, well, female. With yourself looking so violent and unapproachable and Kaneki looking like the innocent little snuggle muffin he is, people had always questioned your relationship which would end with them being chased around by you or Kaneki explaining why he loves you so much. So cheesy...

"Sooo, how's you and Y/N going?" Hide grinned widely before munching down on his half eaten sandwich, " Great as always. You ask every time and the answer has always been positive, I don't know what else you want to hear from me Hide?" The raven haired male cocked an eyebrow at his giddy bestfriend, " no no, my friend, how's the love LOVE life going? How's the you know what been going? The creaking of the bed? The insert the disk?" Hide playfully nudged Kaneki, his grin growing each second when seeing his flushed face.

Two hands slammed on the table in embarrassment as Kaneki looked at the cheerful boy, " H-hide?! What the hell?!" The said males smile turned upside down, " you've been with her since you were 16. Don't tell me you still haven't done anything?" Kaneki pulled on his shirt collar knowing there was no way out of this and sighed, " Of course we have... But why would I tell you..." Grey orbs darting about the cafe Hide's eyes widened in disbelief.

" N-no way! So I'm guessing she was and is the dominant one? Wow harsh man," he chuckled soon after stating this making Kaneki choke on his coffee. Hide gave his friend a playful glare as if he was saying ' tell me more' making the friend scratch his cheek. " Well um, in all honesty, normally she's the submissive type and I'm the one on top... She's not the type to make the first move to lead towards it and if she is she'd...beg?"

Kaneki ran a hand down his face in shame after he just explained his illicit activities he did with his girlfriend, " Holy shit! But she's so aggressive, I thought she'd tie you down! Some kinky bondage shit or something! Freaked me out honestly..." The male with the black locks glared at Hide, " don't think about my girlfriend like that" the accused male threw his hands up in defence, " woah woah woah! Sorry, it just crossed my mind one day!"

 Just as Hide was about to ask for more information a hand was placed on Kanekis shoulder making Hide look up to the person. It was Y/N, and she did not look happy. " Y/N-chan?! I um.....sorry..." Hide scooted away slightly in fear but that was soon replaced with shock as Y/N swung herself on Kanekis lap and traced circles on his chest.

" what the hell Kaneki... You've been gone for ages, I have been wanting to do...things, with you...please?" Both of the males faces flushed even though Y/N had mumbled this they had both heard it. " okay then, sorry Hide but I have to go!" Kaneki flashed an innocent smile towards his bestfriend before taking off with you back home.

  No matter how innocent that smile looked.....there was something devious about it.....he knew he was about to get laid....totally...  

This is crack and uh, i was annoyed cuz people said i would be a top;;;;

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