| Two

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I sat, keeled over the toilet bowl as the liquified contents of my body removed themselves. Would have thought by now I would have learnt not to drink so much, I guess not. I looked down, two empty bottles of Belvedere Vodka sat next to me on the floor. I mean, I could afford expensive alcohol now, right?
I didn't even know what I was doing with my life anymore.

My alarm went off as my phone made a loud sound against the tiles due to the vibrations it made. I really did not want to go in to film today. I didn't want to face the people who had seen what I had done, who had seen everything. Wilmer was a pig for watching it. I wasn't entirely sure that he had, but he definitely made it seem like he did.

"Lovato" Wilmer nodded with a smirk on his face as I passed him. Rolling my eyes, I lost my balance slightly as a hand caught my shoulder, balancing me again, "Wait, are you okay?" I shrugged his hand away from my shoulder while heading towards my dressing room,

"What do you care?" I slurred

The man sighed, "I'm not a complete dick"

I scoffed, "Could have fooled me"

I shrugged the Latino off as I headed into my dressing room, taking a seat at my vanity. It wasn't long before I was interrupted again.

"Hey, we can postpone the filming if you need to take a day off" Jamie suggested, taking a seat next to me in my dressing room.

I shook my head, "I'm fine" I said, trying to cover the slur in my voice,

"You're drunk"

"I'm fine!" I snapped, "Now, where's my make-up artist"

"Demi, go home" Jamie told me, stern sounding in his voice.

I sighed, slamming my hand down onto the vanity, "I'm not drunk, I'm hungover, there's a difference now let me get ready to fucking film!"

"Demi, you're clearly still drunk" Jamie sighed, "Fine, but I'm not letting you drive home".

"Whatever" I mumbled as Jill walked in, I guess that was Jamie's cue to get lost.


Wilmer moved his half naked body over mine as he made out intensely. Honestly, I didn't care. I was too out of it to care. My mind was elsewhere. I felt like he was judging me but I didn't care, I didn't care how good or bad it looked, I just wanted to get it over with. I just wanted to go home, I should have gone home when Jamie told me to. I could feel that I was sobering up a bit, not enough to be in the right state of mind though.

"Cut!" Jamie yelled, Wilmer rolled off of me quickly, his skin sweaty from the warmth of the lights surrounding us at every angle. "Demi, you just don't seem that into it"

"Is that why you called me? I'm meant to be good at this, right? That's what you're thinking, isn't it?" I responded, anger covering my voice as I accused the man,

He shook his head, not quite sure what to say, "No"

Wilmer intervened, "Demi, we don't care about your past"

"Really, that's not what you make it seem yesterday" I spat, my eyes filling with tears as I spoke, everyone on set staring at me as if I were crazy.

"Demi... I didn't mean to offend you"

"You think I would have taken this job if I knew I was going to get teased on set? That is in the past, in my past, and it has nothing to do with you!" I screeched, not even being able to control the words now leaving my mouth. "I can't do it anymore" I whimpered as the tears left my eyes, now cascading down my cheeks,

"Go home everyone, we'll continue filming tomorrow, sorry" Jamie yelled, he placed his arm on my back but I almost instantly pushed him away.

Making my way into my dressing room and laying down on the couch. Sobbing helplessly into the black leather before I slowly drifted off to sleep.


Pitch black surrounded me as I opened my eyes into unfamiliar surroundings. A lamp near the door to the room suddenly turned on, a tall man stood next to it,

"Wilmer?" I asked, confused. The tiny bit of light stinging my eyes, "What are you doing here?"

"I live here, Demi" He smiled,

"I'm at your home?"

"Jamie asked me to take you home, he hoped we could talk stuff out once you woke up"

"Wait, why am I here?"

"You don't remember?" I shook my head, sitting up from the large bed properly, "You showed up on set drunk, we tried to convince you to go home but you didn't want to, so we let you stay. Let's just say, you ended up getting upset and passing out in your dressing room"

My stomach sunk, "Fuck" I groaned, I had no words for myself. I was so extremely embarrassed. I didn't even want to know what I had said to them, who did I even say it to? I didn't even want to know. I shouldn't have asked. Oh lord, and why was I with Wilmer out of everybody? He doesn't like me, or at least I don't think he likes me. "I'm so sorry"

Wilmer shook his head, "You don't need to apologise, it's all good"

"Why did you watch my sex tape?" I asked, there was no point in tip toeing around the elephant in the room anymore.

Wilmer shook his head, "I didn't watch it"


"I know about it, yeah, but I didn't watch it"

I scoffed, "You're a dick"

"Because I didn't watch it?" He sounded confused,

"No" I sighed in frustration, "Because you made me think that you had!"

Wilmer ran his fingers through his short hair, "I know this is a really juvenile thing, but you make me nervous... I didn't know how to talk to you"

"I make you nervous?" I asked,

"Look at yourself Demi, you're god damn beautiful!" I felt my face heat up at the compliment that had left his mouth, "I have to make out with you and dry hump you, I feel like if you don't hate me I'll just be a mess while filming because you're just..."

"I'm just?"

"Really fucking beautiful" He sighed, covering his face with his hand, almost seeming embarrassed at his confession,

I smirked, "You don't need to be nervous Wilmer, you're not too bad yourself" I told him, crawling over to him as he sat at the end of the bed.

He looked at me questioningly, not having time to say anything before I pressed my lips against his.
Somehow I ended up on his lap, pressing up against him as we made out. Our tongues battling each other as we let out scattered moans along the way. I could feel Wilmer growing under me, and that's when I knew it was time to pull away.

"Wow" He let out, catching his breath,

I blushed, "I could say the same about you"

This was going to make filming even more difficult if anything. Oh God, why did I just do that?

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