Chapter 4: Funeral

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The group regained their composure. Because they couldn't do anything, they just accepted the fact that they would hold the funeral without his body. Mr. Toriko excused himself from the head doctor and rejoined the group.

"Let's go, there's nothing we could do here." He told them, trying to suppress the tears from falling from his eyes.

Mr. Toriko led everyone out of the hospital and headed towards the car. All of them soon headed home as they rode in it.


Toriko casually glanced around. He could feel the cold, lingering air around him and he tried to ignore it as much as he could. It was still early in the morning and there weren't any people in the streets, much to his relief. The thought of scaring a few passers-by came into his mind but he didn't dwell on the thought that long since no one was there. A few cars passed the highway but no one paid attention to him, probably because everybody was busy minding their own business. He sighed in relief as he shuddered in the cold. He was still wearing the clothes he wore since the accident and the presence of blood was evident from his ragged clothing, worsening his looks. To a normal person, he looked like a beggar; but to someone who knows him, he looks like a ghost that's about to get his revenge.

,As he approached the intersection, he saw a sign that read this way to the cemetery so he turned left. Up until now, he was still floating his way towards his destination. He didn't mind walking but floating around was new to him so he continued to enjoy it; it also kept his mind off from the cold atmosphere.

As he looked up, he could see the cemetery, looming up ahead. He smiled as he resumed his floating, but deep inside, he was having a bittersweet feeling. I'm about to approach my funeral. What would I find there? He asked himself.

Anyway, I just have to look for my funeral. Then, I have to find out if I'm really dead or not by looking at my coffin. He thought.

As he entered the cemetery, he had finally decided to walk since a few people was there. The thought of frightening a bunch of kids and and old people made him change up his mind about the prank that he was thinking on his way to the cemetery. I'm so hungry! Toriko told himself. I don't even know if I could eat!


The group finally arrived at the cemetery so early in the morning. Because of the news and the hurried invitation from Toriko's parents, the group rushed towards the event, thinking that it would be rude to ignore it. After all, Toriko was their one and only son. 

From a distance, they could see a couple of people, busy at building Toriko's mausoleum. The workers waved at them in return, thinking that their car would be heading to them to check their progress. But that wasn't the case, they went here for the funeral.

After a few minutes, they arrived at a spot near the mausoleum. They could see an eloquent-looking spokesman, wearing a formal attire waiting in front of a podium. A few relatives and friends also gathered at the spot. The sad ambiance seemed to fill the area because of the people wearing their black formal attire. When they saw Mr. Tochiba's car approaching, their pity became quite evident on their faces. However, Toriko's parents weren't the center of attention, it was the car behind them that was. Since inside it was the reason that they're all gathered here.

Toriko's coffin.

A few people gathered around it as soon as it came, hoping to see Toriko's body inside. To their disappointment, it wasn't there. It was just an empty coffin, probably representing the dead Toriko.

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