5 years later

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Tzuyu POV

"Mina! We are going to be late for school." I yelled from down stairs.

"I'm almost ready!" She yelled back. It's been 5 years since Mina found me in the forest. Still haven't found any clues about what happened to my parents. 

After Mina had found out my secret, she accepted me for who I was and let me stay with her. I had told her everything. So now it's just me and her against the world.

"Aigoo. You always make us late to school." I nudged her head.

"Who is it that always wakes me up so late?" Mina retorted.

"I woke you up 5 times and you didn't respond." I stuck my tongue out at her and started running towards the school. 

"Ya! Get back here. I'm not finished with you yet." I started laughing.

We settled in our homeroom class. Mina and I sit in front of each other. I pulled out some books for our next class. Our teacher walked in.

"Alright students. Go sit in your seats. I would like to introduce a new student." A transfer student? That's rare..

"Come on in Ms. Minatozaki." The door slid open and in walked a girl. She turned around and had tripped over her own feet and fell. Clumsy. She got back up and her face had turned pink. Her expression was kind of cute. What am I thinking? I mental slapped myself. Get yourself together.

"Hello. My name is Minatozaki Sana. Nice to meet you all." She bowed.

"Let's see. Ah. You can sit beside Ms. Chou."  What? Me? She walked over and sat beside me.

"Hello. I'm Sana." She said. I just stared at her. She kind of resembles a chipmunk. Maybe a shiba inu? Wait. She smells extremely good. I didn't notice that I had inched so close to her when I hit my head against hers.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

"Oh. Ne. I'm Tzuyu." I said. What's wrong with me? Why did I do that? Iv'e never smelt anything so good before. Hehe. I might be getting sick or something. Oh, right. I can't get sick. Vampire. Right..

"Class. We will be doing a group project. I will hand out pamphlets and you and your group can decide what you want to do it over. And I have already decided who will be in your groups. So no changing partners." Everyone in the class groaned.

I went up to the board to see who was in my group. Let's see. Ah. Me, Dahyun, Mina, and Sana.

"Hey Mina. Me, you, Dahyun and Sana are in the same group." I told her.

"Oh awesome! Let's pick out a topic to do." She gathered us around her desk.

We had decided on the topic of, 'Nature is life.' I don't even know why that is a topic, but I do love the nature. And so do the other girls.

"We can go into the forest that's near my house to explore!" Mina had said. Forest... I haven't been in there for the past 5 years.

"Hey Tzuyu, you okay?" Sana said, waving her hand in front of my face.

"Oh, uh." I said.

"Alright." She gave me a smile. She really does look like a chipmunk. Cute.

""Let's go to my house after class so we can get started on the project." Mina suggested.

"Sounds good" We said.

"Do you to live together?" Dahyun had asked Mina.

"Yes. We met about 5 years ago. And just decided to live together." I still haven't found a trace of my parents disappearance.

"So, are ya'll ready to get to work?" Mina said interrupting my thoughts. 

"How about we split up into teams of two? Me and Mina. Sana and Tzuyu." Dahyun said.

"What?" Mina said

"I'm fine with it." I said. Sana shook her head.

"Alright, let's go!" Dahyun grabbed Mina's hand and went off first. Mina looked back at me. I gave her a smile.

We are walking around in the forest looking for the different types of tree's that we need to find. We have to collect the leaves from each tree.

"Here's a pine tree needle leaf thing." Sana picked one and handed it to me. I stifled a giggle.

"You laughing at me?" She asked.

"No." Coughing while answering. We were silent for a couple of minutes looking around for another tree.

"Ah!" Sana said pointing at something.

"I fount one." I looked to where she was pointing. The tree was at the top of a steep hill. Heol. We gotta climb up there?

"Sana, I will go up there and get it. You stay here." I said.

" Are you sure? I don't mind getting it."

"It's alright. I'm a pretty good climber." 'Plus I won't get hurt if I fall. I heal quickly.' I thought to myself.

I started climbing up the hill. Just need to keep my balance and I should be fine. Whoo almost at the top.

"Be careful!" Sana yelled up to me. I looked back and gave her a thumps up.

"Okay. I got it!" I waved the leaf at her. She started clapping. I was starting to move back down when I heard a rustling noise coming the tree. I looked up at the tree. Out jumped the biggest squirrel I have ever seen. Next thing I know, I'm rolling backwards down the hill.

"Tzuyu!" I heard Sana scream. Well this can't end well. I just close my eyes and brace for impact. It felt like an eternity rolling down then finally I landed on... something ..soft? I open my eyes and saw Sana under me.

"Sana! Are you okay?" I got off of her and started looking to see if she was alright.

"Yeah. I think so." I helped her sit up.

"Ow." She touched her head. What is this smell? She removed her hand and blood was on it. Oh crap. When I saw the blood, I felt a rush of adrenaline. The smell was making me see double. Oh how I want to taste it.

Wait. Tzuyu stop it! You do not drink humans blood. I need to get away. Mina.. I need to call Mina.

"Here." I threw her a piece of cloth."Put this over your head." I hope that helps with the smell. I pulled out my phone to call Mina. You have got to be joking. Of course there is no service when I actually need to call someone.

"Tzuyu. Your cellphone doesn't have service either does it?" Sana said.

"Nope." I simply said.

"Guess we should just head back before it gets dark." I stood up and fell right back down. I didn't even notice that my leg was bleeding. 

"Oh no! Why didn't you say you were hurt?" Sana said. "It looks pretty deep. " She quickly pulled off her jacket and wrapped up my leg to stop the bleeding. She didn't need to do that, it'll heal in a couple of minutes, but she doesn't need to know that. 

"I will be fine in a little." I said. Hopefully.

A few minutes have passed, and my breathing is increasing rapidly and my vision is going blurry. I lost to much blood, so I won't be able to heal as fast. And I don't think I drank any animals blood today. Great. What else could go wrong? Oh I know, I'm this close to drinking Sana's blood. I need to snap out of it.

"Tzuyu why are you looking at like that? Are you not feeling well? Sana asked. Tzuyu don't give in. Tzuyu you can stop. You never had this problem before.

"Tzuyu your scaring me." Sana was backing up away from me. I crawled towards her. She backed up into a tree. I kept crawling until our faces were inches from each other.

"Tzuyu. What are you doing?" I looked into Sana's eyes. I could see fear and confusion in them. 

'Tzuyu. Be strong.' I heard the sound of my mother. 

"Tzuyu!" I heard a scream from behind me. I turned my head. It was Mina. I saw her running towards me. Then everything went black around me.

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