Chapter 5: Faster Than I Look

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She ran all around the room and still made that crazy indian cry with her mouth.

Everyone was bursting out with laughter.

Astro smiled at her and couldn't help but laugh at how silly Peyton was being. "Really?!" Astro shouted, through laughter.

Peyton laughed. She took off her indian hat and set it down on the floor and sat down in a chair next to Astro. She grabbed a napkin, got it wet, and whipped the face paint off of her face. "Nothing like a good laugh to start your day!" said Peyton.

Cora tried to keep herself from laughing. "There is definitely something wrong with you, Peyton!" said Cora.

"There's something wrong with all of us!" Peyton replied.

After breakfast, Peyton, Astro, Cora, Zane, Widget, Sludge, and Trashcan all went outside to search for more robot parts.

Trashcan wouldn't stop pestering Astro. The robot dog jumped up and down and barked continuously.

"Hey! Quit bugging me! I said I would! I just want Peyton to get used to me first!" Astro said quietly.

The kids were ahead of him, so he went to go catch up with the rest of the gang. "So what does Hamegg want all these parts for?" Astro asked Cora.

Cora smiled at him. "He's a genius! He can make cool robots from pretty much any old scrap and then he puts them into Hamegg's Robot Games!" Cora said, with cheerfulness in her voice.

Astro raised an eyebrow at her. "Robot Games?" he asked.

"They're a tradition down here. It's kind of a roman thing," Cora explained.

Zane nodded. "And they're pretty cool!" Zane added.

Peyton saw the family picture in her pocket glow again. She pulled it out and saw her brother and sister vanish from the picture.

She gasped in horror. "Not again!" Peyton whispered.

Widget ran up to Peyton. "Hey, Peyton!" she called to her.

Peyton turned around and let out a wild scream. "AHHHH!!!" she cried.

She took a deep breath. "Oh. Hi, Widget. What is it?" Peyton said. She put the picture back in her pocket.

Widget smiled at her. "I have a question," said Widget.

"Okay. Hit me," Peyton said, crossing her arms.

"Do you like Astro?" Widget asked.

Peyton shrugged and kept on walking, with Widget following beside her. "Sure. Why wouldn't I? He's a good kid," Peyton replied.

Widget shook her head. "No. I meant . . . do you like-like him? As in love him?" Widget asked.

A huge blush appeared on Peyton's face. Her heart beat faster inside her chest, and Peyton thought she was going to have a heart attack.

Peyton didn't want to say the truth, but at the same time, she didn't want to lie about it, either. "Y-Yeah. Maybe just a little," Peyton admitted.

Widget smiled excitedly. "So, you do have a crush on Astro! I KNEW IT! I can't wait to tell Cora and Zane!" she said enthusiastically.

Peyton's ears perked up. "Whoa! Hold on a second, kiddo! No one is saying anything to anyone!" Peyton snapped.

"Ugh. Fine! I won't tell them!" said Widget.

Peyton smiled and raised an eyebrow at her. "Good! Because if you do-" Peyton began.

She was interrupted by Astro calling her name.

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