The First Meeting

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Once upon a time, there was a knight own all throughout the kingdom of Kwamistala as the Dark Knight. Why was he called this, you ask? Well, because he wore light weight, black and dark purple colored armor. He was the handsomest knight in the kingdom, and the most well liked. He was kind to all who came across him, and never raised his sword without reason.

One day, he was assigned by the King of his country to venture into the Forest of Gods and dispose of an impurity there; a vampire who had taken refuge in the forest. Now, normally this would not be that big a deal, because the vampire did not attack humans and had not caused commotion in the villages near the forest, but the Forest of Gods was a sacred place that housed mini gods, and only the highest of knights were allowed into the forest for only a few days, at the most, unless they had been chosen by a mini God in those three days.

The Dark Knight was one of those chosen Knights, a small black cat God named Noir having chosen him only two years before. The Dark Knight was one of the youngest high-ranking Knights ever, the other one being a young girl nicknamed the Miracle Knight with her small ladybug Goddess, Fortune. He knew that this was of a grave offense; a vampire, the spawn of Satan, living in the home and birthplace of gods? It was unheard of, to begin with. So, he took the quest, and he began his journey to the forest, planning to arrive in three days time on horseback.

On the first day, he passed through the town where Miracle Knight was staying, and told the girl about his quest. She and Fortune wished the boy and Noir good luck, which, considering it was from a Goddess representing good luck, was practically a blessing. He soon went on his way, since he had no time to waste, and when the second day crept upon it's end for him, the Dark Knight came across some information about the vampire in the Forest of Gods. Apparently the vampire looked young, and had hair the color of snow and eyes the color of blood. He didn't attack the villagers, but he moved around a lot, and seemed to be either searching for something, or running away. Some villagers said they saw a God with the vampire, but they also said it was dark and they could only see sillouettes, so they couldn't be sure.

The Dark Knight frowned, unsure about that bit of information. Why would a god pick a vampire as it's chosen? They were impure, after all. So he pushed it to the back of his mind and went on to the village nearest to the forest, which took up half of the last day. He stopped to replenish some of his supplies, then continued on his way to the forest, stopping right outside and tethering his horse to the nearest tree. The forest loomed in front of the knight, trees thick and dense and glowing slightly the further in he looked. From far away, it looked like it faded into darkness, but he knew that once he was inside, there were bioluminescent organisms that gave the forest light, and the small gods had their own means of lighting their home up.

He and Noir would have to go on by foot from here on out, the cat God landing gracefully on the ground from where he had rested on the Knight's shoulders. He looked at the boy, gave him a grin, and strolled into the forest with ease. The two wandered, in no real hurry to look for the vampire while it was still daylight. They knew he'd be sleeping somewhere dark and away from the sunlight, and while the Dark Knight was to get rid of the vampire, he had no desire to kill the creature- especially not in a forest as sacred as this one.

As they wandered, Noir and the Dark Knight found many small Gods, ranging in any and all species to breeds. Each species symbolized something different, but there was a special God in each species, the only one of its kind. They symbolized something specific, and they were the strongest of their kind. Noir was one of these special gods; the only black cat, who symbolized Destruction and Bad Luck, while the Miracle Knight's mini God, Fortune, was the only red Ladybug and symbolized Miracles and Good Luck. These special gods could transfer some of their powers to their chosen, giving them special abilities unique to them and only them.

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