The Miracle Meets The Vampire

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Isaias_Q on Ao3 drew me fan art from In the Sunshine's Warmth based completely off memory after not having read the story in months! They did an awesome job, didn't they? Thank you!!!!

"Okay, now please don't do anything rash, Bridgette." Felix begged, leading his counterpart, the Miracle Knight, from the castle gates towards Oliver's room. The girl beside him scoffed, waving him off dismissively as she smiled brightly at him.

"Please, Felix, you have no faith in me."

"All I know, is that you have a bit of a "draw swords first ask questions later" personality if you feel threatened. So, you and Fortune need to promise not to go ballistic." Felix sighed, looking down and shaking his head for a moment before looking at her again, a bit of desperation in his eyes. "Seriously, Bridgette. Don't attack him, don't hug him to death, don't even freak out about his God. Just be normal." He knocked on the door to the room, hearing a small "Come in" from inside as Bridgette scoffed and started speaking again.

"Come on, Fel, I told you I-"

Her words cut off as she walked into the room after Felix opened the door, motioning her in and smirking smugly at her reaction as she stared almost dumbly at Oliver. Oliver waved shyly, curled up in a ball on his bed beside Tivachi, who's tail was thumping happily against the bed. "Hello." The wolf God said, amusement in his voice.

"I- uh- Felix?" Bridgette looked over to Felix, looking mildly panicked but mainly confused. Felix made sure to position himself between her and Oliver, just in case.


"Why does a vampire have a wolf God companion?" She asked slowly, and Felix noticed how her sword hand twitched. He mentally sighed, forcing himself not to pinch the bridge of his nose. He told her not to react badly. He had to give her kudos for not drawing the sword, though.

"Because I chose him?" Tivachi answered instead, confusion in his voice as he spoke. "I'm sorry, Milady, but I don't understand where the confusion lies. What does it matter who I choose?"

"But- But he's a vampire!" Tivachi immediately growled, and Bridgette snapped her jaw shut with a click. Her god flew from her resting place in her satchel, and Felix heard the wolf sniff the air loudly.

"Well now, been a long time since I last saw you, Fortune." He said, tone dry. Felix turned to look at the Ladybug Goddess, who crossed her arms over her chest and huffed. Bridgette's defensive posture melted, her expression becoming confused as she watched her God.

"Who's fault is that, huh?" Fortune said snootily, and the three chosen stared in confusion. This was not how their gods normally acted. "What are you doing here?"

"My dear Oliver needed a place to live and rest. The castle was the only safe place aside from the Forest, and had Felix not been the one to go there to kill him, he would have not been given this chance." Tivachi said calmly, fur on his neck bristling at Fortune's angry glare.

"You let a vampire into our-"

"If your chosen is allowed to go into our forest, then so is mine!" Tivachi growled, getting on all fours and looking like he was about to pounce on the God. Bridgette began to draw her sword on instinct, Felix rushing to put an arm in front of Tivachi while Oliver wrapped arms around his God's neck. Fortune's wings fluttered angrily and Noir hissed loudly between them, tail lashing out,

"Enough! Tivachi, you are better than this!" The Cat God hissed, before turning to Fortune, "And you don't go talking about things you don't know or understand!"

Fortune reeled back at the venom in her opposite's voice, eyes wide and offended. "How dare you tell me-"

"You always do this!" Noir snapped, walking towards the Ladybug. "You are so nice and kind, but the moment something bad happens to someone, you shun and shame them for life! That is not how a luck God should behave." The cat God growled, their chosen all frozen in place by confusion and worry. This was not something any of them had expected to happen, and now they had no idea what to do. Should they call them off? Try to get them under control?

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